Google shopping not makin' sense to me, y'all!

Let me just say up front that I don’t normally look at that “[some number of] items were disapproved by Google Shopping” notification because mostly it’s all gobbledygook to me and I don’t understand it anyway. That said, I took a look today out of curiosity, and there are a handful of items where I do actually understand what they’re saying – it’s just that they’re wrong. I don’t know what one does about that.

Specifically, there are six items where it says they are missing shipping. They aren’t missing shipping, though. All of these are items where I used the Bonanza shipping calculator, as I do on the vast majority of my listings. I don’t know why Google’s picking on these six. It’s hurting their self esteem, poor things.

The other item that’s bugging me is one that says “Image too generic.” I clicked on “see policy” and of course it was all Greek to me (as they say), but I did get that the gist of it is they want my photo to be of the actual item. It IS a photo of the actual item. A perfectly clear photo of the actual item.

So… Thoughts? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

asked over 1 year ago


VeronicaBooksAndArt says: November 14, 2022

I’m dealing with Google’s “Missing Value [Shipping]”. I opened a Canada market and Google doesn’t seem to support calculated rates to Canada. You’re killing it here though. Keep up the good work!

RummageRampage says: November 17, 2022

Thank you, Veronica! I hope you get that Google thing handled!

VeronicaBooksAndArt says: November 19, 2022

“Carrier rates aren’t available for Canada at the moment”. – Google Support. I’ve pressed them over how many more moments ‘till they are. But they’re finally running my search campaign. You should get a website. Granted, you can lose money, but it’s a lot more fun.

1 Answer

This is an official Bonanza response.

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Hi RummageRampage! I’m Shelly, I work directly with Google Shopping to help sellers get disapproved items into advertising. Below are a few tips that may help.

-Google does not recognize first-class shipping options over 13oz, and those six listings in your booth say 14oz. Go to your listing and change the weight to 13oz or the shipping method to Priority.

-The generic image error has cleared. You can update your feed by clicking on Refresh on your Ad Troubleshooter page.

-There are two listings that Google thinks need a UPC. It doesn’t look like the items have one, so I requested that they do a manual review to take another look. You can refresh your feed in around five days and see if they approved the items.

-On listings that Google is requiring a UPC but there is not one that you can find and the manual review returned as still disapproved, these are the options. Since they only require a UPC for items both new and branded, you could remove the brand or change the condition to see if Google will approve it. You can also buy your own UPC or suppress the listing from your feed.

You can read more about correcting Google shopping errors on this blog. or get personal assistance at [email protected].

answered over 1 year ago


VeronicaBooksAndArt says: November 15, 2022

Google recognizes FCP options up to under 1 pound IFF commercial rates are specified. Bonz does’t make that distinction and you can’t drop a FCP in the mailbox that weighs over 13 oz. 13 oz. is the retail rate ceiling.

RummageRampage says: November 17, 2022

Thank you for your help, Shelly. Appreciate it! :)

EmpressDepot says: November 17, 2022

Great information. Very nice to know that an employee works directly with Google shopping….a good sigh here on my end.

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