
Is there anyone besides myself that does not pay a monthly fee that can honestly say they have had a sale in the past 7 months??? I have been with Bonanza from what seems like the beginning with over 800 items and I am lucky to have had one sale this year!!!

asked almost 2 years ago

1 Comment

VeronicaBooksAndArt says: July 14, 2022

I’ve had 11 sales since 12/20 selling hard to sell items. Keep the description simple. Use a foam roll to get a white background. Log in every day and get points to buy dowm FVFs. There’s no place like Bonz,.

2 Answers

Hello, I can help you with your shop.
Feel Free to stop by and take a look around.
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Have a Good Day!!!

answered almost 2 years ago

1 Comment

cltinker says: July 26, 2022

Hi, Subrina,. I’m not getting any sales here either. I checked out your booth, & have a couple questions. What are the things you sell for $2.50? And at $2.50 free shipping, how do you make any money?

I have had several sales this year, but, I do have to say that this year has seen a decline as far as profits. However, with everything that is happening in the world it is not surprising. I sell collectibles and pop culture items that are ‘Want’ items, not ‘Need’ items so for me it actually makes sense. Plus, keep in mind the summer months are always slower across the board as most are outside enjoying the great outdoors. I myself use this time to prep for the holiday months. Also I do not pay a monthly fee, I just do the 9%. Good Luck

answered almost 2 years ago

1 Comment

VeronicaBooksAndArt says: July 14, 2022

Yes. Very bad right now. eCommerce is getting creamed on Wall Street across the board, becoming increasingly reliant on Google, which is being called on the carpet.

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Asked: almost 2 years ago

Latest response: almost 2 years ago

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