Updates concering google shopping free ads

Hello Everyone!

Our team is in communication with representatives from Google Shopping to identify how this change will impact Bonanza and our sellers. Google has notified us that the free listings will be in addition to paid ads, and paid ads will take priority over free ads.
To ensure visibility on Google Shopping, we do not recommend changing your advertising level below 9% at this time. All sellers advertising on Google Shopping through Bonanza are also eligible for the free ads, so their items will be shown in both the free ad section and the paid ad section, increasing your chances for views.
Our team is actively monitoring Google Shopping Ads to determine if further adjustments need to be made to our advertising settings. Keep an eye on our blog for additional announcements about any changes to Bonanza advertising based on the Google Shopping [URL removed]

asked about 4 years ago


NecktieGuy says: April 27, 2020

Thank You for keeping us in the loop

abigdogmom says: April 28, 2020

Thank you for providing information so quickly.

BookbinEtc says: April 28, 2020

Thanks for the update, Wanda. We appreciate knowing what’s happening.

3 Answers

Thank you for the update!

answered about 4 years ago

Yes, thanks for explaining this. I am going to keep things as I have, meaning I’ll keep doing the 9 percent FVF.

answered about 4 years ago

Having said that most of Telecom Equipment [URL removed] manufacturers are part owners or significant contributors in Telecom Companies like Airtel, Vodafone and so on. Development, prototyping and contract production of hardware and software and systems for providing communication via various [URL removed] radio, GSM, Ethernet, IP, etc. Examples of [URL removed] VoIP gateway, GSM gateway, and other used, for example, used by airport dispatching services – with algorithms to allocate the voice of the dispatcher from the surrounding sound environment, and remove noise.

answered almost 4 years ago

Reputation: 28
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Viewed: 1297 times

Asked: about 4 years ago

Latest response: almost 4 years ago

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