Seller Community Forum

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2 answers
1 vote
If i chose the 9% advertisement option why does my booth profile have “add items to google shopping”?
I’m confused. I chose the 9% which shows it goes to google shopping but then go to booth profile and it has a yes/no to putting your items on google shopping. It was put on “no” but shouldn’t be on “on” because of The choice in tier (9%)? Or is th...

asked over 1 year ago

1 answers
2 votes
Hand-picked lists: i'm no longer getting e-mails notifying me of my items in hpl
I use to get e-mails in my yahoo account letting me know an item of mine is in an HPL. Now I don't get them. I checked my spam folder, but it's not there. I get other Bozo e-mail in my Yahoo account, so not sure what happened. Can anyone gi...

asked over 1 year ago

1 answers
0 votes
How do i import listing from ebay
I am seller of Bonanza. I have 96 listings in this seller account. Recently I wanted to import listing from my eBay account. My eBay is a USA account. But unfortunately, no listing is imported in bonanza. I tried several times, but nothing happene...

asked almost 2 years ago

0 answers
0 votes
I'm confused about the fees
I have been on Bonanza for a month and made a few sales. I opted in for the Basic broadcaster option with a 9% max fee. As of this week, I notice that two of my sales was charge a 10% fee and then a sale today was charge 11.1%. I cannot seem to fi...

asked almost 2 years ago

1 answers
1 vote
About domain name for webstore
Hello community I have a question about the webstore I can pick my own domain, I have a domain I like to use it’s my brand domain it’s hosted on bluehost, would I just need to change my dns settings to point to bonanza or do we pick a pre picked d...

asked almost 2 years ago

0 answers
0 votes
How do i cancel an offer that i have accepted?
I have a buyer who made an offer and in which I have accepted. However, I think he is not serious with purchasing. He's making up all kinds of excuses on why he hasn't paid. I don't want to wait for the 7 days expiration date as I want to relist m...

asked almost 2 years ago

0 answers
0 votes
My booth suddenly have prices in gbp. how to change back to $ please ?
all items in my booth suddenly changed their pricing from US$ to GBP. Looked all around incl. booth setup, nothing there. How do I change the currency ? Thanks!

asked almost 2 years ago

4 answers
0 votes
Ad ballancing
Is it better to have low prices but not pay for advertisements, or higher prices with ads? I have a lot of items I need to sell and I don't know what the right balance is.

asked almost 2 years ago

1 answers
0 votes

0 answers
0 votes
Can an invoice be generated before a sale?
I have a buyer who is having difficulty with his 'cart'. Is there a way to generate an invoice to send him without him completed a purchase through his 'cart'?

asked almost 2 years ago

1 answers
0 votes
How to add size variations with different price for each size?
Is there a way to add various sizes for our floating shelf and ledge shelf listings with different pricing for each size? Without this feature we will not be able to sell on bonanza as we offer many different sizes from 12" in length to 72".

asked almost 2 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
Is there somewhere that you can see visits?
Is there somewhere on the page or anywhere where you can see how many people have viewed your listing?

asked almost 2 years ago

1 answers
0 votes
Why are viwes not coming to my account?
4 item I have left but not yet. Someone who knows about it please help me..

asked almost 2 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
Do many people make offers?
Do many people make offers when you allow offers to be made? I set the prices in my booth to allow negotiation and for free shipping, but now I wonder if people are just too lazy to make an offer? Thanks in advance all

asked almost 2 years ago

2 answers
1 vote
How can i change the name line of the return address shown on the shipping label?
On my shipping labels, the return address shows BONANZA SELLER. How can I change it show my shop name?

asked almost 2 years ago

1 answers
0 votes
Why do i have 0 visits to my articles?
Hi everyone, I do not understand why my articles since I uploaded them to my page have not had any visualization, they have been online for a month but it is possible that NO ONE has seen my articles? Thank you all

asked almost 2 years ago

3 answers
1 vote
Does anyone know how projected views are determined?
One day we had projected views of 324 on our listings, but the actual views later on dropped way down to only a handful or so.

asked almost 2 years ago

2 answers
0 votes
Listing just goes poof disappears... weird... anyone else have this?
So I just listed a used DVD in my booth, and two minutes later I look and it's gone. Not reserved, not "under review" or whatever, as sometimes happens. Just gone. I thought maybe I'd done something to accidentally delete it, so I listed it a...

asked almost 2 years ago

1 answers
1 vote
How to edit about me on profile page?
I cannot figure out how to edit the About Me section on the profile page where it defaults to "I'm a Bonanzler and I'm excited to be here!" Please help!

asked almost 2 years ago

2 answers
1 vote
Is there anyone besides myself that does not pay a monthly fee that can honestly say they have had a sale in the past 7 months??? I have been with Bonanza from what seems like the beginning with over 800 items and I am lucky to have had one sale t...

asked almost 2 years ago