This demon bracelet is from our Master collection! Truly demonic relic and only one will be ever offered here up for sale.


We bound 50 Demon Kings and Queens to this bracelet during the full moon and performed hundreds of demonic rituals over it to make it a demonic powerhouse.


Just by holding this bracelet in your hands will send energy wawes through your body. When you wear it on your arm, it will feel warm to your body and an incredibly powerful soul bond will be formed between you and the Demon Kings and Queens. They will send their demonic energies and powers into you and begin to transfigure your mind, body and soul into a Demon King/Queen. The process can take up to a few days, it depends on your current spiritual and magickal abilities.

When it is finished, you will be reborn as a Demon King/Queen with supernatural demonic abilities.

Just to note a few: vast wealth, supernatural power, astral projection, open third eye, ability to see and hear spiritual entities, mass manipulation, esoteric and hidden knowledge, protection from harm, super intelligence, overall good health, total immunity against illnesses and diseases, control over dark powers, clairvoyance, clairaudience, increased charisma, sexual fulfillment, and much more...

The bracelet can also be used to achieve two-way communication with the Demon Kings and Queens. All you need is to wear it on your arm and mentally chant his/her name to achieve it. They will be your eternal friends and allies and protect you from harm. They will often visit you to converse with, offer their advice and guidance, etc.

The bracelet also works as a powerful demonic vortex and gateway between our world and theirs. Wherever you place it in your house, it will be a busy crossroad for them. You will be able to work with the Demon Kings and Queens and their servitor and familiar demons. They will never let you down and fulfill your unlimited wishes.


All necessary information (their names, full powers and other things) will be provided only to the worthy Keeper.

We will include with this bracelet two spellcast candles, a special incense, a special demon oil, a channeling stone and a wooden charging box.