Collins embraces the trend towards styling with pendants as the primary fixture. The mouth blown glass options contains both rustic and modern undertones. Glass shades nowhere to be found. Great when combined with vintage style bulbs.

Features: Dimensions:
Electrical Specifications:


We will only ship within the United States. 

Shipping may occur from different locations in the United Sates.

Most items will ship via FedEx or UPS



In spite of our best efforts, occasionally products will sustain damage in transit. We'll get replacement parts or a replacement fixture to you as soon as possible, free of charge. Please inspect all packages before signing for them. If there is damage to a box please make note of it with UPS, FedEX, DHL etc. If there is no visible damage to the box but the contents are damaged please contact us with a thorough description of the damage and what parts need to be replaced. If we are not allowed to replace an item that is damaged you may be subject to shipping charges for the original order as well as return shipping charges to return the item to us. If we are not able to replace an item, we will ask you to ship the merchandise back free of charge and will refund all original fees to you. We are not responsible for any fees associated with the cost to repair or install of damaged items (please inspect before installing).

Contact Us

Please do contact us if you are not satisfied in any way... We are here to help. 


Your satisfaction is our priority. Please contact us if you feel you are not able to leave a 5 star rating. We will leave positive feedback once we know we have met your expectations!