"Point & Shoot"
Clear Vinyl Toilet Targets
Sets of x8, x16 or x32 20mm Toilet Target
clear vinyl stickers
(each x32 order contains 32 20mm stickers - two sheets of A6 6x4 inches  / 14.8x 10.5cm, 
x16 2cm / 0.78 inch stickers on each sheet)
As proven at Schiphol airport in Amsterdam, the addition of a fly image (sticker) to the urinals which provides a target for the male sex to aim at, has reduced their cleaning costs by at least 8%. 
A huge saving across the financial year. 
Don't believe us? then check out this link
So whether you run a business, a home or just fancy a bit of inane and ridiculous fun with fake bug stickers, Point & Shoot toilet targets are proven to make the male of the species take more care in the WC, reducing drips, splash back and slapdash spraying!!
They're also suitable for any non-porous surface and not just the bog.
Please contact us if you have questions or queries.
Shaped stickers, contour cut and printed on vehicle grade 3yr life clear adhesive vinyl 
using CMYK eco-solvent inks, making them scratch resistant & UV stable.