Winter holidays are perfect for bringing out your cozy and comfy style. And, the bonus festive Xmas allows you to accessorize and luxurize even your simplest fit with sparkle and shine.

Take your celebration game to another level and decide to twin with your cute little pup this Christmas!

Yep, no need to adore all those lovely puppies running around in their Christmas outfit from afar.

Instead, style your pooch in this cute puppy dog reindeer costume and let him be a part of the cool Christmas pups group. :p

What you'll get:


  • Fits various pup varieties: Our reindeer dog costumes have the perfect stitching to suit different canines. So, if you have a tiny corgi, small chihuahua, or a medium bulldog, this will fit everyone. In fact, we also offer large dog reindeer costume for above-average canines.

  • Happy howliday vibes: Get the best reindeer dog costume to immerse in the snowy Xmas vibes with your animal friend.

  • Perfect gift choice: Pick this pet reindeer costume for all your pet lover friends who are invited for the Christmas dinner.