Excalibur Blackjack Handheld Game Electronic Portable Travel Sized Play Anywhere

Brand: Excalibur


Casino Calculator Excalibur

Intriguing Features:

Dual functionality: One side boasts a classic electronic calculator, perfect for everyday calculations. The other side, shrouded in intrigue, promises a casino game experience (though currently non-functional).
Excalibur brand: This vintage gem hails from the Excalibur brand, adding a touch of history and nostalgia to your collection.

Electronic calculator works: Test your math skills with the functioning calculator side, featuring classic buttons and display.
Untested casino game: The other side holds potential for hidden fun, but it will require some tinkering and new batteries to unlock its secrets (sold as-is).
Please note: This is a pre-owned item and shows signs of age and use. The casino game side does not currently function and requires new batteries and potentially further repair.

5424, 12 oz