USDA Hardiness Zone (°F): 5 (-20 to -10 °F), 6 (-10 to 0 °F), 7 (0 to 10 °F), 8 (10 to 20 °F), 9 (20 to 30 °F), 10 (30 to 40 °F).

Climate: Sub-tropical, Temperate.

Plant type: Hardy annual

Sun exposure: Full sun, Partial shade

Soil: Well-drained/light, Moist

Skill level: Beginner

Height: 30cm

Spread: 23cm

Time to plant seeds: September to May

Plant ¼” below the surface. To start seed indoors, plant  in small pots or a flat; keep evenly moist and at 60-65 degrees. Germination should take place within 5-10 days.


Please message me with any problems I am sure we can work it out! 

Just take a minute, send me a message and I am sure I can make you happy. I am very nice and try my hardest to treat my buyers the way I would like to be treated.

Thank You,
