Does anyone know what this is??

I could not get a better image right now
so I will try to describe it.

![URL removed]

This is a thick, clear glass radio tube looking thing.
It is 3 1/4" High (4" to top of the screw)

The screw comes through the bottom and holds a large,
weak spring inside.It has 2 nuts with a thin copper
washer(?) between them.
There is also two small wire (?) holes through the bottom.

Embossed on the front [URL removed] 500V above a UL circle, and
932K, #200.
On the reverse [URL removed] Made in USA,Heat resistant housing,
Peterson P-K,5

What looks like treads are not.
The end with the screw is the bottom.

asked about 12 years ago

4 Answers

looks like an electrode receptacle???

[URL removed] removed]

![URL removed]

answered about 12 years ago

Reputation: 12648
See ccmom's booth

Thank you CC

answered about 12 years ago

They are housing units for neon tube connectors. Not sure exactly how they work. I have seen them and found them [URL removed]
[URL removed] Scroll down to find them. Exactly what you have above.

answered about 12 years ago

its a UFO [URL removed]

answered about 12 years ago

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Asked: about 12 years ago

Latest response: about 12 years ago

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