Am i super confused on how to earn tokens? yes

Each day I sign in to collect my big 10 tokens, BUT my collected amount never seems to go up. I’m stuck at 70. When I go to the rewards page, it shows that I have 70 tokens. I hit the COLLECT button to get the daily 10, and my balance stays at 70. Maybe twice, since I started collecting them, did I get to 80. My balance would stay at 80 for a day or so, then drop back down to 70, and stay there, even though I collect my 10 daily tokens every day. How do I get my balance to go up?

Here is another question.. HOW do you collect more tokens? I read that you can get more by betting tokens on collections? or Nominating? I don’t understand that, and I haven’t found any better explanations. What do you Nominate? Where do you finds these collections. I know I’m slow, but I’m not that stupid, but this makes me feel like I am, because I am so clueless about this.

Thank you for any help offered.

asked over 8 years ago

1 Comment

BodangCo says: August 21, 2016

The original poster wrote [URL removed] “HOW do you collect more tokens?”

4 Answers

Hi @ Mishasgems35,

Thanks for reaching out and sorry for the confusion. As @Atomicdiner mentioned, it sounds like you are looking at your tokens for the week. If you are earning 10 tokens each day when you log in, you will earn a max of 70 for the week (7 days x 10 tokens per day = 70 tokens per week). That is why the number remains stagnant. You can view your available tokens in the upper right corner of the rewards page. Once you claim your tokens for the day, take a look at that number and you will see it increase by 10.

Hope that helps to clarify!

selected by Bonanza as the best answer

answered over 8 years ago

I believe you may be looking only at the Left hand of your screen.
Perhaps you need to window sideways (I need to) in order to see
“Tokens available to [URL removed] " as that is what you have to apply
against your monthly bill once you reach 500 tokens.

answered over 8 years ago

You should have a few sets of numbers when you go to your rewards page. A column for tokens earned for past week is on the left side and a column for tokens earned overall is on the right side. Above the column for tokens earned overall should be your available number of tokens to spend. If you log in everyday and claim you daily tokens the number for the tokens earned in the past week should stay the same unless you have earned additional tokens(see below) on top of your daily tokens for the week. Look for the available number tokens to spend to see how many you have available for various rewards listed on the bottom right of the same page.

As for earning additional tokens here are some of the ones I have discovered – when you reach certain levels of selling, voting for some surveys, and being a member for a certain amount of time. I am sure there are others, as Bonanza is a very friendly and happy place and they like to reward you with tokens/badges when special things [URL removed]

answered over 8 years ago

Reputation: 36
See bolts89's booth


Mishasgems35 says: January 30, 2016

The tokens earned for the past week is what I was refering to. It seems to be stuck on 70. I just collected my 10 tokens for the day and it went up to 80. No tomorrow when I collect my 10 tokens for the day, it will probably go back down to 70. If you collect every day, why do they drop?

Mishasgems35 says: January 30, 2016

I set up shop here about 3 months ago, but I haven’t sold anything yet. I haven’t found any surveys. Where do you find them?

Irene0526 says: January 30, 2016

After the log in page, the next page should be the 2016 Sellers Choice Awards survey page. I’m not aware of any other survey’s, but I could be wrong.

ccmom says: January 30, 2016

Since you earn 10 tokens per day and there are 7 days per week, the only amount you can earn in the “past week” is 70. There are exceptions when other opportunities arise to earn more in a week

ccmom says: January 30, 2016

and unfortunately most of the ways to earn tokens has now been eliminated….

I don’t think that you can collect more than 70 tokens in a week by just clicking the collect tokens. You get more tokens for selling levels etc.

answered over 8 years ago

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