Can i get overnight shipping on an item that want to buy?

I need a front tooth replacement asap. Can I pay extra to have it delivered to my home by tomorrow? They all have $3 shipping charges added, but there isn’t any info about when it will arrive before I proceed with checking out.

asked over 5 years ago

Reputation: 10
2 Answers

This is not a question for Bonanza but the seller of whatever item you want to buy.

answered over 5 years ago

Understand that overnight shipping can also be obscenely Expen$ive for this service. Even for a small lightweight package.
No SELLER can truly guarantee when your item will arrive as so many things can cause delays such as distance, weather and holidays. Even the delivery date from the PO itself is just an estimate. Besides once item is given to the carrier, it is out of the SELLERS Hands and Seller has no control of the items delivery (anymore than you would).

Like gearseller2 mentioned, you need to contact the seller for your questions.

answered over 5 years ago

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Asked: over 5 years ago

Latest response: over 5 years ago

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