Can you help identify this doll?

I need help in identifying this doll so I can set a price and description.
Doll is soft rubber with color hair, blue eyes, socks and shoes.
On the back of her neck it looks like a triangle with an 8 in the center. Under the triangle is the number J011. She is approx. 4" tall and the arms and legs are moveable. Im estimating that this doll is approx. 50+ years of age. It belong to an aunt and my mom remembers it as a child ( mom is 74 now).
I do have more pictures posted in my booth.
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asked almost 11 years ago

4 Answers

This site here might help. There also looks to be a forum.

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answered almost 11 years ago

1 Comment

HappyForeverFinds says: June 22, 2013

Looks Like a Kerpie doll , gosh I don’t think that is how you say it hmmmm .

Does it have sleepy eyes ( eyes that open & close) or painted? Eyelashes? The J011 is probably the mold number. The hair is painted, correct? It looks German, but hard to tell in the photo. Is the head and body the same material? If you can take a close up photo of the head only, the hands, and the hallmark, that might help in identification. Also check the bottom on the shoe for any markings.

answered almost 11 years ago


OnceAgain2022 says: June 22, 2013

The eyes do not blink but stay open and ar painted as is the shoes, socks and hair. Everything is a soft rubber material. The hands look to be closed fist. No markings on the bottom of the feet. I will try and get some better pictures ! Thankyou

OnceAgain2022 says: June 22, 2013

The eyes do not blink but stay open and ar painted as is the shoes, socks and hair. Everything is a soft rubber material. The hands look to be closed fist. No markings on the bottom of the feet. I will try and get some better pictures ! Thankyou

This doll looks pre 1950s. 1930s-40s I think. I haven’t seen any of these before, rubber is notorious for not lasting. This is a link to the various rubber companies.
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answered almost 11 years ago

Cupie doll ?

answered almost 11 years ago

1 Comment

OnceAgain2022 says: June 23, 2013

Could a cupie doll be this small. I remember having a cupie doll as a kid but it was larger and a the hands were different

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Viewed: 1637 times

Asked: almost 11 years ago

Latest response: almost 11 years ago

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