Clueless on the 9% fee?

I think I checked it buy have no clue how much it cost or what it is even.

This is different then the silver/gold/platinum thing correct?

Does this mean more traffic but they take 9% commission?

If it fixes me being able to type naturally on a listing it will be worth it.

Now my typing goes back to top of page whenever I push return key.

Quite odd.

asked almost 6 years ago


EmpressDepot says: July 10, 2018

Pressing the return key and then the typing only being able to start out at the top is a periodic glitch on Bonanza. Put your cursor back where you want it to go when this happens.

GracefulVintageNow says: July 11, 2018

Thank you. It is very annoying and constant for me when I list it seems.

2 Answers

The 9% fee allows your items to be listed in google shopping…

Since it costs to be listed in google shopping, if you opt for the 9%fvf then bonanza will prepare your feed and send it too google (and pay for the items to be listed), they will also makes ads and place them at various places…

When your it sells as a result of an ad click/google shopping, depending on how many ad clicks the items has receive, you fee can be as low as 3.5% (no ad clicks used) or as high as 9% depending on the number of ad clicks the item has received.

To see how many total views, google shopping views or other search engine views your item has received go to
Edit booth options
Click on Advertise
scroll down to your items

This is different from the memberships (memberships offer different options depending on which you choose)..

It won’t fix the typing issue..since that is probably an artifact of the device and/or browser you are using…I do not have that problem

answered almost 6 years ago

Reputation: 12648
See ccmom's booth


GracefulVintageNow says: July 11, 2018

Thank you. So I assume if we check the 9% we do not have access to Google Analytics?

ccmom says: July 12, 2018

no you do not…google analytics is a gold membership item

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Asked: almost 6 years ago

Latest response: almost 6 years ago

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