Credit card setup not working

I have been trying to activate my booth for 2 days now and I am very frustrated because the website is not letting me add a card which is the final step to open a booth. I have tried 3 different cards from 2 different countries with different billing addresses all of them are valid active cards and EVERY time it keeps saying that I am not adding a valid credit card. I have probably tried this about 50 times up to now and I am getting very angry because I spent all this time setting up my booth and now I can’t even open it!

p.s. I sent an email to Support already but my patience is running out!

asked over 6 years ago

4 Answers

This is an official Bonanza response.

Sorry to hear of the trouble! It sounds like when you were trying to authorize your credit card, our system was unable to verify your card. To confirm a seller’s identity, our system will do a dummy charge to your account of $0.11. The charge will remain pending for 3 days and then fall off of the account. When we see declined errors, it usually means that the credit card was entered incorrectly, or, in some cases, a person’s credit card company will have a block on authorizing charges under $ 1.00.

One other possibility may be that you are entering a different address on Bonanza than the address that was recorded at the time you received your Debit/Credit Card (if a debit card, it will be the address that you had when the debit card was sent to you). Try entering in the address that you used when you got your card and see if that does it. If so, you may want to consider updating the information with your bank so you can avoid future trouble with that.

The two most common factors to cause the failed credit card are as [URL removed]
1) The credit card billing address MUST match the address in your Bonanza account settings. Even the formatting must be identical.
2) the CVV must match exactly.

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If you are still having trouble you may want to call your Credit/Debit card company and see if they can clarify the reason that your card is being declined.

answered over 6 years ago

Credit card set-up is a pain. Never seems to work. I had problems but finally discovered it was because I was putting in the zip code + 4 and that wouldn’t work. reason I was doing that was cause it said type in exactly how it is on your credit card. well my credit card has zip + 4 on it. But when I typed it just the 5 numbers it took it. Don’t know if this will work for you but you might try it. I have told support don’t know why they don’t get it fixed.

answered over 6 years ago

Reputation: 321
See sasswbe's booth
Same thing happened to me. Very frustrating. I ended up getting a “NetSpend” card and typed that in and it worked. Good luck.

answered over 6 years ago

having the same issue, have been working fine until some days ago so have no idea wazzup.

answered over 6 years ago

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Asked: over 6 years ago

Latest response: over 6 years ago

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