Does anybody know anything about this gold?

Is anyone familiar with Gold Ancients?
I thought I had it all figured out some time
ago, then I was informed I was wrong, and I
lost that information contact.

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asked almost 12 years ago

4 Answers

Nope, not a clue, but it’s WAY cool!!

answered almost 12 years ago

you might be able to get some general info from this [URL removed]

[URL removed]

It looks like a really cool coin and in great shape. I have a couple ancients but am definately not an expert. You might also try stopping by a local coin dealer in your town, if you have one. I have done that a few times when I have come across something interesting

answered almost 12 years ago

Reputation: 160
See Tortuga's booth

Got a fb friend that sells ancient you FB?

answered almost 12 years ago

The words are in Latin and it’s a religious phrase (not easy to read because it’s not complete) within the Byzantine period.

The first image is Jesus Christ alone.

The second image is Jesus Christ giving “authorization” to a king. Maybe a crown. The border inscription, in Latin, means (Milan) Mediolanum is the Roman name.

……….UPDATE Revision ****

During my college years while studying abroad in Italy one summer, I do remember seeing a display such as the items shown here and decided to pull some of my old-research (from back then) and now realize that these items might not be as previous described within my first submit.

Here is my “Updated Interpretation” which is totally opposite from my first [URL removed]

This coin is from Milan whose Roman name was Medionalnum. The coin may commemorate the public penitence of (( Emperor Theodosius I )) which was performed on Christmas night, 390 CE. The Archbishop of Milan, St. Ambrosius (who is also the patron saint of Milan) oversaw the ceremony.

  • Best of Luck within your continued research.

answered almost 12 years ago

Reputation: 8354
See MONTROSE's booth
Question Vitals

Viewed: 2933 times

Asked: almost 12 years ago

Latest response: almost 12 years ago

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