Does anyone know why sales are so low this month ?

I have barely sold anything this month . Does anyone know why sales are so low ? Thanks

asked over 5 years ago

1 Comment

Sabby'sCreations says: October 24, 2018

Hello, I can help you get traffic to your shop. Feel free to visit me here [URL removed] (outbound link removed by Bonanza admin) [URL removed] Have a Great Day!!!

7 Answers

Hi, I’ve recently started selling over on poshmark for my clothes and I’m getting sales. but it’s alot of work. Same as the other sites I think, Gotta get your traffic.
Lots of sellers buying from each other, which is cool.
On ebay Nothing is moving and I haven’t been working that site as I Use to because for years wasting my time socializing sharing ect, I never received very many sales over there either. My bonanza, Maybe 1 sale every 4 months which is soooo sad!!
There’s got to be a site out there that is HUGE but Is focused on the ppl that do the thrift to resell. I just can’t find one that I like.
I wish the answer was easier so we could all get our shipping on.
IDK Maybe for Bonanza we all need to be more On site active with each other?
Maybe I’m Missing something.

answered over 5 years ago

Reputation: 20
See kycoy's booth


HappyForeverFinds says: October 23, 2018

Seems like some months on here & ebay are Dry Months . Then other months sales are crazy good . I guess this is one of those Dry Months .

BookbinEtc says: October 23, 2018

Innerflow, we used to have great forums here. Friendships were made and lots of sharing and caring happened. Once they removed the forums, it’s hard to know if the ‘old friends’ are even still here, let alone keep in touch.

Policequilts says: October 23, 2018

You are so right, Bookbin . . . Sure miss the old forums

EmpressDepot says: October 23, 2018

Yes, def used to be busy forums. I worry that the info shared back then is not getting shared with new sellers now and that this does some hindering. The old forums really had a lot of activity with social media, people following each other’s blogs, getting more links out there to our booths and and

EmpressDepot says: October 23, 2018

Truth be told, sometimes I do not want to post because it is like a ghost town and not much response (sorry, I do appreciate it when someone does post though).

SparklesJewelry says: October 23, 2018

The good thing about Poshmark is they get everyone involved with site run sales that are not put on the seller, if they still do that, they used to, and that’s nice. And yes many buy from each other.

no….my sales are slow here, on my own webstore and etsy…

Maybe lots of free funds are being used for disaster relief..

Hurricanes destroyed a lot of homes…we are still working on getting ours fixed

answered over 5 years ago

1 Comment

HappyForeverFinds says: October 23, 2018

My sales have been very slow before the hurricane. My parents house was destroyed my hurricane Harvey so sad .

Maybe people are focusing only on Fall holiday & Halloween shopping I dunno .

answered over 5 years ago

1 Comment

EmpressDepot says: October 23, 2018

this is what i an thinking. only right now it is more so halloween.

The Amazonians using Prime weapons and drones are invading the marketplace. Maybe?

answered over 5 years ago

For new items (especially toys, electronics), I think potential buyers are waiting for Black Friday prices to be published before they make any purchases.

For used items, it shouldn’t matter what time of year it is… unless buyers are saving their purchases for Christmas items.

answered over 5 years ago

Reputation: 8637
See tomwayne1's booth

1 Comment

HappyForeverFinds says: October 23, 2018

I have tons of brand new things , even Halloween things . All sorts of things for sale , still no sales really lately.

Finally got a sale tonight after 12 days of being dry.

Thought I’d mention it because I did a discount about 4 hours ago in my booth for 10% off with $10 or more purchase.

I think this helps when there is a dry spell.

answered over 5 years ago


SparklesJewelry says: October 23, 2018

Congrats Empress. I’ll have to give that a try.

HappyForeverFinds says: October 24, 2018

I just sold something too to someone in Hong Kong yey

EmpressDepot says: October 24, 2018

Yeah. May the dry spell be over. Congrats

EmpressDepot says: October 24, 2018

Thank u sparkles

because of the olden months are e-commerce holidays so you can follow the below article then you have success in your sales at black friday and any ecommerce holidays [URL removed]
[URL removed]

answered over 5 years ago

Reputation: 26
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Viewed: 1246 times

Asked: over 5 years ago

Latest response: over 5 years ago

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