Google shopping feeds not showing up

My feeds are not working I keep getting these messages.

923 items were disapproved by Google Shopping (Review report)

Then when I go to review the report I get

923 items were disapproved by Google. Last checked on July 29 at 5:52pm
Any changes to your feed that took place after the above date may not be displayed.

Other (920 items)

Google has not provided a reason for this disapproval. In many cases, this means that items are still being processed and will be approved and posted on Google Shopping within 24-72 hours.

What can I do no sales and I am not sure if I am suppose to set up a google account or what to get this to work. These are downloads from a Ebay account that I downloaded on Bonanza.


asked almost 6 years ago

1 Comment

TrinketBox says: July 30, 2018

google does not provide reasons for dissapproval (unless it is restricted, they will tell you that) is up to you to review your items and make sure they are google compliant…

3 Answers


You do not need to set up a Google account. Once you check off for your listings to appear in Google shopping, then you are all set up. Of course, after that, we need to make sure and follow Google shopping rules in order for our listings to comply and show up on their site, which means by adding the required attributes appropriately.

I took a look at this listing [URL removed][phone number removed]
For the color, I see that you have 3 different colors as an attribute. We’re only supposed to have one color attribute even though your listing has multiple colors in the same lot. The best approach with this attribute is to select the color that has the most presence in your listing, which would be pink maybe. Make sure and put the names of the colors in your title, which you have already done.

As for brand, it is required on all listings. I do see other similar listings like yours showing up in Google shopping but yours seem to be personalized? So this is probably why you used your name as the brand, which would be completely fine. If they are not personalized and do not have a brand name by a manufacturer, just leave this attribute blank and Bonanza will fill it in as identifier_[URL removed]
Keep in mind that Google shopping can still be picky about the identifier_[URL removed] attrbitue but in cases like this, when it is not handmade, this is the only alternative that Google shopping gives us.

In my personal opinion I do recommend to not use the same word you use for your brand as for the model. I would just leave the model blank for these types of products.

Last but not least, remove any symbols such as slashes from your titles.

Here is a link to some of your listings (from eBay and not sure if you are on Etsy) that are appearing in Google shopping [URL removed]

Interestingly, not all of Bay’s listings always show up on Google shopping. I know this because I constantly search from eBay to Google shopping and back and forth again.

There is so much more information to share on complying with Google shopping. Making a search on for Google shopping attribute requirements 2018 or 2017 will help get your mind rolling on questions so that you can ask in the forums and understand. Note that some attributes are already applied on Bonanza without us having to do anything on our part. This is why it is so important to ask questions in advance when you start reading over the requirements.

Make sure and contact Bonanza about this and hopefully, this will give you a heads up on some of the lingo you will be exchanging back and forth with Bonanza.


answered almost 6 years ago

As said above, google does not give reasons, and it is up to you to ensure your items are google compliant..

Looking at a couple of your items…
Bonz will fix your listings the best they can, but your listings are formatted for ebay, reference ebay and a also have links to your ebay store…all of which probably are keeping your feed from being processed corrrectly for Bonanza

Remove the words Does not apply from your upc/mpn box (leave these empty) and bonanza will add in the [[identifier_[URL removed] attribute…google feed does not recognize does not apply
Remove all punctuation from the brand name..leave it as
Jeans Plastics

Also use correct punctuation where neccessary…do NOT use all caps

These are just a few of the things
Color font
Improper Capitalization

Promotions that do not use commonly accepted spelling and grammar
Punctuation, symbols, capitalization, spacing, or repetition that are not used correctly or for their intended purpose

These are all things that have been allowed on ebay (since ebay does not necessarily depend on google product search for sellers), but unfortunately are also not accepted by google and google will not accept feeds that have these in the listings

answered almost 6 years ago

Hello Dear

Did you received my request?

Waiting to hear from you soon

e-mail. [email protected]

answered almost 6 years ago

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