How are book sales on bonz ??

I am gearing up to start listing Older Aquarian books. I was curious to know if anyone has any experience in books sales here on Bonz.

I have been selling a little bit of everything, and I was very impressed this Christmas as orders started to come in. I’m hoping they will keep coming. This year is the best sales on Bonz I have had since Google went and changed their “Google Shopping” feed.

asked over 9 years ago

4 Answers

I’ve had some good sales of books on Bonanza.

answered over 9 years ago

I have not sold any books here Crackersplace, but i have to agree with you, this is probably the best few months I have had here for sales in quite awile. 11 sales for December so far, doesn’t sound like alot to some, but ebay has been terrible for sales, and I had almost as many sales on bonanza as i did on ebay! I hope it keeps up also, as I would much rather sell here than there!

answered over 9 years ago

Reputation: 1958
See misskeech's booth

I haven’t had a lot of luck with books, but have sold some. I do plan to list more in 2015, and hope for the best. I love passing old books on to someone new who will appreciate them, rather than have them sit in boxes. :)

answered over 9 years ago

Been selling on abebooks that is good for books

answered about 9 years ago

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