How do you change it to show in your currency?

When I am looking at items, everything is showing in pounds now and not Australian dollars. How do I change this?

asked about 6 years ago

Reputation: 10
4 Answers

This is an official Bonanza response.

Hi sweetdreamz, currently, listings on Bonanza need to have their prices set in USD, which is then converted to the currency of the buyer viewing the listing based on their location (for example, if you were to view your listing, the USD price would be converted to AUD, while someone in the UK would see it in GBP instead).

answered about 6 years ago

go to the bottom of the page

There is a blue link..that shows country currency
Click on it and change to the currency you wish to view items

![URL removed]

answered about 6 years ago

Hello Dear

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answered almost 6 years ago

Reputation: 708

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answered almost 3 years ago

Reputation: 14

1 Comment

Emily5592 says: November 05, 2021

They are the ones that always aim at supplying the content of the highest quality, and at meeting each customer’s needs. The student wants to purchase an essay because they have other responsibilities [URL removed] such as caring for their children.

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Viewed: 1364 times

Asked: about 6 years ago

Latest response: almost 3 years ago

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