How to remove range or variations on prices in booth?

How to set all items in our booth to a single price? recently reduced prices using batch editor. Now items show up with a price range i.e.

Conley Folding Camera AD Original Period Sears 1914 Photography Cameras
$14.99 – $24.95

we’ve contacted support as well but was hoping someone else encountered this issue and may have a workaround? thanks for any assistance!

asked over 5 years ago

2 Answers

Look at your item in edit mode. Go to add or edit items. Find the item, then slowly scroll down from the top. I think it’s before the description, you’ll find where this is a sale price. Then at the bottom is another sale price. If these are different, you’ll have the range amount. Either make them the same, or delete the top one. Hope this helps.

answered over 5 years ago

thanks for quick response. we have thousands of items where this price variation is showing. Having already lowered prices for all booth items using the batch editor, is there an option of removing the price range with the batch editor so that only the lowest price is the actual price? thanks again!

answered over 5 years ago


Margiecrafts says: November 27, 2018

I would recommend you contact support. I don’t know of any way to do this using batch editor.

paperinkgraphics says: November 27, 2018

Thanks again for your response. I have searched the Help files and do not find anything about removing this information for all items at once. I’ve written support; will update this when a solution is provided.

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Viewed: 940 times

Asked: over 5 years ago

Latest response: over 5 years ago

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