I am new to bonanza.if i want to increase my exposure do i have to have an ebay account to advertise on the site?

Want to increase traffic in my booth.

asked over 5 years ago

8 Answers


Welcome to Bonanza. To help you understand a little but about the site. I wanted to post here to help you out. Bonanza is not like an ebay. You have to promote your items via Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, etc. in order to gain exposure. Yes, Bonanza sends out our items to google, etc., but you have to help bring the buyer to your site. An item at ebay priced at $20.00 on a BUY IT NOW, should be priced here at a lower price in order to be seen in the list of site that item is being sold at. The morjority of us have free booths with our advertising set at 9%.

There are groups here at Bonanza who will help you promote either for free or for a fee. If you join the group GOTM (Game Of The Month) we each make one purchase from a sellers booth along with taking a look at each booth and help promote for other sellers. It’s a great way to get exposure, get to know you and your booth, and to get to know other sellers. We can help you get around Bonanza and give a name and booth name of someone who charges to promote if you do not wish to play any of the games. It would be in your interest to join for one month to get an idea of what we do. You will see your stats shoot to the moon because of the promoting efforts.

I hope I was able to help. This site is better then ebay. The difference here is you have to promote your items. Bonanza is more of a close nit family where we don’t have to deal with all the nonsense that goes on over at ebay. Bonanza is simple, clear and a great place to sell. Sign in each day, collect your tokens which can be applied to your fees from any sales you make.

Best of luck to you!

MomentsInThyme and VintageSweetheart

answered over 5 years ago

1 Comment

emmamiller19 says: July 12, 2021

This is very cool that exist many services for helping students with the writer. I want to tell you about a special type of essay which I like. Many students don’t know narrative essay meaning [URL removed] but I like this type. Cause you write about personal experience.

No, you can advertise through google. I am signed up for the 9% plan and that seems to work.

answered over 5 years ago

Reputation: 1291
See A2z4u2c's booth

1 Comment

bonzuser_oysmv says: November 18, 2018

Thanks for the info.I am signed up at 9% also and is trying to gain traction.Things are going very slow so trying new ways.Thanks

In addition to the other suggestions, I find that it helps to keep adding new items to your booth on a regular basis and do the “refresh your booth” button for Google. Your items will show up more on search if there are regular updates to the items, say at least a couple times a week if not every day.

answered over 5 years ago

1 Comment

bonzuser_oysmv says: November 19, 2018

Thank you so much for the imput,I will follow your advice.

Does anyone tried to hire a SEO specialist or seller? It is working for this [URL removed] guys.

answered over 3 years ago

Reputation: 12

Here is an excellent service [URL removed] where you can order essay.

answered over 3 years ago

Reputation: 12

Thank you for sharing interesting ideas. Your thoughts are clear and the view on [URL removed] impressed me.

answered over 3 years ago

Reputation: 12

Thanks for sharing this type of interesting information. I have bookmarked it to read again. When you order an essay on the web, you hope to get the substance of top quality right on time, yet you likely would prefer not to spend your month-to-month spending plan on it. If you need help, please go for [URL removed] – it is a good opportunity to find out new information and do your task faster and more quality.

answered over 3 years ago

Reputation: 14

This is very cool that exist many services for helping students with the writer. I want to tell you about a special type of essay which I like. Many students don’t know narrative essay meaning [URL removed] but I like this type. Cause you write about personal experience.

answered almost 3 years ago

Reputation: 12
Question Vitals

Viewed: 1556 times

Asked: over 5 years ago

Latest response: almost 3 years ago

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