I bought a domain name for my website. help

I bought a domain name for my Bonanza webstore. This is what I have done, Registered hosts : HOST NAME

and Custom resource [URL removed] NAME
1m It is still not verified. Does it take awhile? or am I doing something wrong? or still need to do something?

[URL removed] So I contacted Google Domain and was given a little different instructions on how to fix the problem. I did what google suggested and now when they click on my domain name it directs you to Bonanza main page. I was instructed it may take up to 48 hrs for my webstore link to work instead of Bonanza’s ummmm interesting. and the domain is still unverified in Bonanza. I read this has happened to other people, their domain continues to be sent to Bonanza home page, and not their webstore..

asked about 8 years ago

1 Comment

snoahtry says: January 15, 2022

I have an intention launch a new website online soon. Right now, I am thinking for a good domain name. But I would like to get people feedback as well. What do you suggest for choosing a good domain name?

4 Answers

This is an official Bonanza response.

Thanks for reaching out @aqua_angels and sorry for the trouble. Sounds like you’ve purchased a domain name from a 3rd party provider. Unfortunately, Bonanza cannot log into your 3rd party account for you. We recommend contacting your domain provider and providing the following information so that they can assist in pointing your domain to your Bonanza Webstore. Here’s what you’ll want to tell [URL removed]

-you want your root domain (your A record) to point to Bonanza’s IP address, which is
-you want your subdomains (your CNAME records) to point to your Bonanza-hosted domain, that’s “yourdomain.com”
-you want to use the 3rd-party provider’s email client (if they have one) and need to configure your MX records.

You can read detailed instructions on how to point your domain to Bonanza from some popular providers [URL removed]
[URL removed]

Here’s a link to our general instructions on how to set up a custom [URL removed]
[URL removed]

Hope that information helps!

answered about 8 years ago

1 Comment

aqua_angels says: May 14, 2016

yes, I bought it from google domains, anyway to add that to the other domain providers?

So I contacted Google Domain and was given a little different instructions on how to fix the problem. I did what google suggested and now when they click on my domain name it directs you to Bonanza main page. I was instructed it may take up to 48 hrs for my webstore link to work instead of Bonanza’s ummmm interesting. and the domain is still unverified in Bonanza.

answered about 8 years ago

When it is about relying either on a third party or maintaining hosting server on your own, make sure that you take support, security, scalability, and reliability into account. And these important aspects should be better if left to professionals as it proved to be more beneficial. While a dedicated server hosting ensures a lot of things that other hosting packages lack of, but executing all the plans and carrying out necessary task all by your own could be sort of hassle. The best thing to do is to get a managed dedicated hosting plan. For users in UK managed dedicated server proved to be very profitable in many ways. Specifically, registering Inmotion UK host would be best choice for the job.
Source – [URL removed]

answered over 4 years ago

Reputation: 18

Sorry for my late reply to this thread. I also faced the same kind of issue for my new domain. I wasn’t sure which web hosting should I try for. Basically, I wanted something which is reliable and cheap as well. Then I started using [URL removed] No issue yet.

answered about 3 years ago

Reputation: 16
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Viewed: 1476 times

Asked: about 8 years ago

Latest response: about 3 years ago

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