Identifying international postage/shipping


I’m new to Bonanza (haven’t bought anything yet but I plan to).

One thing is not clear to me whereas I have not had this problem with Etsy or eBay.

Where a seller doesn’t include a price for international shipping it’s not clear to me if this is because they just haven’t included the price or in fact they don’t post overseas.

What am I missing? Is there somewhere on the page where this is clearly set out?

asked about 9 years ago

5 Answers

“Is there somewhere on the page where this is clearly set out?”

Yes, if the seller shipps internationally, you can see it at a glance on each page on the right side of the item’s picture, under the price and some other info there are these [URL removed]
Payment options …
Shipping options $… to Worldwide
Return policy

If in the “Shipping options” there is “Worldwide” or some particular countries selected by the seller and your country is among them, then you may proceed with you purchase.

I’m selling overseas with a flat rate, therefore under the “Worldwide” you can see the additional word “The same” (it’s automatically added by Bonanza, when sellers set it in their accounts).

Just have in mind, please, that because B. hasn’t set the international shipping cost for the non-US sellers yet, we have to choose a not so correct option and then write the proper one, which we really offer, in our booth policies.
I wish some more members would vote for my suggestion, but actually we shouldn’t vote at all, it should be done a priori, since B. accepts non-US [URL removed]
[URL removed]

BTW, until the DiscountDesigner’s post, I would answer that you can buy only if you see ‘worldwide’ or your country on the list…, now it’s not so [URL removed]
I don’t understand, why some sellers don’t state it clearly to make it easier for the buyer.
Don’t they understand that this may send the potential buyer away?
Not everybody is so nicely persistent and I’m really sorry, if you haven’t received any answer (even a polite refusal).
I wanted to buy some nice item here, but there was no ‘worldwide’ option, so finally I’ve bought something similar in other place online.

answered about 9 years ago

If a seller ships to your location and has set up their international shipping options..then you would see the cost when you put the item in your cart and give your location.

If a person ships internationally, but has not set up their international shipping costs, then when you place an item in your cart, you should see a message something to the effect that the seller will have to be contacted for shipping costs. Usually,the purchase will go to the seller as an OBO (offer) and they will add shipping. Afterwards, you will be notified to complete check out if you so choose. Unfortunately US international shipping is so expensive now, many rarely complete the transaction.

If the person does not have international shipping set at all, the OBO can still be an option for the seller to consider it, or you will see a message that says something like ..“this seller does not ship to your location”

Some of my items are set with a price which you will see when you put the item in cart and give location, some are set to come as an offer, because 1) I have not set shipping costs or 2) it is a location that has been problematic in the past and I wish to decide on a case by case basis or 3) the weight/size of the item would cause the cost to be so high that many do not even consider completing the checkout process.

Is there somewhere on the page where this is clearly set out? (not always)

Some sellers only ship to certain locations and yours may or may not be on the list (and therefore you may not see “it at a glance”…realize that the message is different for each person, dependant on location/member and other factors, etc..I do not see this “worldwide” as I am located in US..I only see “Ships to or within US”

I do not ship worldwide, but I do ship internationally as stated above. Some places are set automatically, others I determine on case by case basis. I will ship to anyone who also a seller here despite location as I know they can be notified if there is a problem.

I am sorry you are not getting answers back from sellers. There have been so many new sellers set up here in the recent past and many do not understand how the system works and have not completed all the set-up options, or are just using bonz as a holding site for their ebay stores (unfortunately), which hurts those who are attentive and working hard to make this site work.

answered about 9 years ago

Reputation: 12648
See ccmom's booth

There is a section where sellers can put in their shipping preference for international, however, many may not….I know i am guilty of this myself, even tho i do ship international….Best thing would be is to contact the seller if you see something you want and ask them if they do indeed ship to your country.

answered about 9 years ago

It does take some time to set up international postage – but with almost all of my customers being international it is vital to me being a seller outside of the US. I try and be as accurate as I can.
There might be a problem or two in combining larger parcels together – but communications between buyer and seller should help sort that out.

Happy to help anyone if they need help at any stage although I am far from being any kind of expert.


answered about 9 years ago

Reputation: 106
See J7339's booth

I see. If they do put their shipping preferences, is it easy to find? I must be unlucky that everything I’ve been looking at so far doesn’t seem to have this in view.
I have contacted a couple of sellers but no one has replied yet. It’s a bit discouraging. Thank you for replying, much appreciated.

Thanks for all the replies. Clearly I will have to get used to Bonanza’s different terminology as well. Your answers have clarified a few more things for me.
I have now heard fron one of the sellers I contacted. They don’t ship overseas. Sigh. I thought I’d really found exactly what I was looking for….but it seems I’d have to move to the US to get it. :-)
Back to the drawing board…..

Oh yes, I’m used to the different time zones (I’ve bought a lot of stuff from the US and UK elsewhere). I also know what times to be online if I need to contact people overseas quickly. In the instances I’ve mentioned previously, I’d waited some days for replies.

answered about 9 years ago


ccmom says: May 02, 2015

realize there maybe a time zone difference, if your attempts to contact were in the middle of the night here..

SparklesJewelry says: May 02, 2015

Yes, exactly what ccmom said here and below. Give a day or two for a reply. Good luck.

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Asked: about 9 years ago

Latest response: about 9 years ago

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