If i import from ebay will my items be for sale on ebay and bonanza both at the same time?

I want to know if I can post on both sites at the same time.

asked over 5 years ago


bargainbuffet4you says: October 29, 2018

You can have listings at the same time on both. I don’t import listings from Ebay but like to export Bonanza listings to Ebay since I gave up my Ebay store. It’s so much easier to list on Bonanza and if an item sells on Ebay, Bonanza gets 1.5% fee in addition to Ebays fees. You can’t hire anyone to

bargainbuffet4you says: October 29, 2018

list at 1.5%. If you do sell a Bonanza listing on Ebay, the item is suppose to be deleted from your Bonanza booth but you need to check to make sure it was deleted after the Ebay sale. I’ve had a few that were not deleted. Don’t know if it’s a Bonanza or Ebay glitch since it’s happened on both.

1 Answer

Yes, they will be on both sites at the same time.
Except when your listings expire on ebay they will still be on Bonanza until you delete them yourself,as on bonanza your listing never expires.

answered over 5 years ago


kawartha_ephemera says: October 30, 2018

Very true … unless a user decides to enable the “sync with ebay” feature. When that feature is enabled your Bonanza listings exactly mirror your ebay listings. With sync enabled I discovered that all of my bonanza listing descriptions, titles etc were slowly been edited to match the ebay versions.

kawartha_ephemera says: October 30, 2018

I didn’t let the sync continue but if I’d let it run any bonanza listings that had timed out of my ebay account would have been deleted from bonanza. So if keeping expired ebay listings alive on bonanza is important to you do not enable sync with ebay.

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