Images not coming up....

I am using Chrome….my poor browser just keeps working and working trying to get ANY pictures loaded. In my [URL removed] Banner, Profile Pic and Pics of all my items just won’t load.

Now, if a customer came here and saw this – they would VACATE FAST!!!!

Anyone else having this problem this morning?

asked over 7 years ago


SunflowerAntics says: September 27, 2016

Now my banner shows up, but my profile and images for my listings show a “broken” link in the upper left hand corner :(

SunflowerAntics says: September 27, 2016

I refresh and they are all there

4 Answers

This is an official Bonanza response.

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Hi SunflowerAntics,
The site slowed down for awhile yesterday while we were updating. If you have any further issues please let us know at [email protected].

answered over 7 years ago

Im having the same problem.Was going to add items.I have chrome too but never had a problem before.I know this is not a answer but it must just be a glitch with Bonanza right now.

answered over 7 years ago

Reputation: 14
See sammy97's booth

same problem, cannot upload pictures to the editor (description).

answered over 7 years ago

Me too. :( shows them uploading to 100% and no pics. There must be a way to fix this.wish I could find it.

answered about 7 years ago

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Asked: over 7 years ago

Latest response: about 7 years ago

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