Is any one having issues with shipping profiles. mine that were saved have changed and new ones won't save properly

I had a saved shipping profile to use with batch editing which worked fine.

Yesterday, all the international shipping had disappeared.

I took a listing that had shipping set up and tried to save the shipping as a new profile and all international gone.

asked almost 6 years ago

Reputation: 12
See zwiggy's booth
3 Answers

To change any shipping or profiles you will have to clear any that have been applied before…

Go to Batch Edit
Click on Shipping

![URL removed]

At top to right there is a link that says
Clear Domestic Shipping Services
Clear International Shipping

IN order to change or add in a new service you will have to clear international shipping..scroll over to see all of image posted. Aslo note that there have been updates since I took the screen shots and the items selected no longer highlight in yellow

![URL removed]

Once cleared…The items will say None Specified under international shipping

create your new shipping profile, or just use the batch edit to add whatever, International shipping you want…

IN this example the seller wanted to set up Shipping to Canada at a flat rate of $12.00 and flat rate of $20.00 worldwide

So click on Add international Shipping
Add the flat rate of $12.00 and check Canada
Select items for select Apply to all items (this link will appear if you use the selection box at beginning of item list)
Apply Changes

![URL removed]

Then do the same for the Worldwide shipping
![URL removed]

This is the way I do it…since shipping costs change and profiles will have to redone or sometimes get “lost”

selected by Bonanza as the best answer

answered almost 6 years ago

Reputation: 3068
See CindyBear's booth


zwiggy says: July 13, 2018

I do all those things. I wanted to know what happened to the information in a profile I had set up. the international information just disappeared. I can also not use the batch to do domestic as I am in Canada and the flat fee gives the wrong time line for delivery.

ccmom says: July 13, 2018

there is also a delivery box to add in delivery times…as to profiles disappearing, no idea…I have profiles that I created in 2009 that are still on still

zwiggy says: July 13, 2018

thats the work around I have been using. Now if they would improve their servers, we would not be 140th in the que for every change. And by the way, thank you for your detailed reply.

This is an official Bonanza response.

We’re sorry to hear of the troubles @zwiggy! If you’re trying to apply new shipping profiles to your listings via the batch editor, you’ll want to make sure you first clear your current shipping settings via the batch editor. Once cleared, you should be able to add a different shipping profile without any issues.

If you’re continuing to run into issues with the batch editor and your shipping profiles, please feel free to reach out to us by following this link and we’ll be happy to assist you through any troubles!

answered almost 6 years ago


zwiggy says: July 12, 2018

The shipping profile I had seems to have removed international sales. I have tried to set up nes ones and does not seem to work. How do I delete shipping profiles?

zwiggy says: July 12, 2018

How do I delete profiles as nothing with shipping seems to work any more?

zwiggy says: July 12, 2018

how do you edit profiles?

zwiggy says: July 12, 2018

I am getting estremely frustrated as the whole shipping seems to be a mess and it worked previously with no problems

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answered almost 6 years ago

Reputation: 708
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Viewed: 1049 times

Asked: almost 6 years ago

Latest response: almost 6 years ago

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