Item not showing up

OK. Just became a seller and listed my first item. Why isn’t it showing up in a search?

asked about 7 years ago

Reputation: 10
See coldnaps' booth
4 Answers

This is an official Bonanza response.

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Hi @coldnaps,

Thanks for your post! After an item is listed on Bonanza and you have clicked “Activate Booth” or “Update Booth”, it can take up to 30 minutes for the item to be properly indexed into our databases before it can be found using the site-wide Bonanza search feature. However, the item can still be found by users who use the search option within your booth or by browsing your booth.

On rare occasions, the item can miss one of our indexing cycles and it can take 4-6 hours before it’s available for searching. If the item doesn’t show up within 24-48 hours, just contact us at [email protected] and we’ll take a closer look.

When searching for your items, you also want to make sure that you have properly set up your shipping options. For example, if you have not set up shipping to your own country and then do a site search for your items, they will not show. Our search is designed to only return results/items that are available to you based on your location. Here is a link to our available shipping [URL removed]
[URL removed]

If you don’t have any feedback, or if you are selling an item that hits our criteria (Electronics, expensive handbags, etc), then we will have to manually approve your booth before it can be activated. Normally we do a site wide approval a couple of times each day.

Hope this information helps, and best of luck to you as you continue to get started!

selected by Bonanza as the best answer

answered about 7 years ago

It may take anywhere from 30 min to several hours for the items to become visible in searches for new listings.

my guess, the item has not been indexed yet…

answered about 7 years ago

Reputation: 12648
See ccmom's booth

If you searched for your knives, they are prohibited, however many are for sale on Bonanza.

answered about 7 years ago

Now Your items are already [URL removed]

![URL removed]

Good luck!

answered about 7 years ago

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Viewed: 924 times

Asked: about 7 years ago

Latest response: about 7 years ago

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