My listings show higher price in bonanza search & as shipping included


I am adding some inventory. I checked to see if the listings I have added are appearing in a Bonanza sitewide search. And they are. The only problem is that the price of my listings show higher in a Bonanza search than what I have them listed for in my booth. Also in the Bonanza search where the price is located, it shows shipping included. I see this for all other listings on Bonanza that are not my listings as well.

Is there something I can do to fix this. I have emailed into support about this. In the meantime, if I can get help on how to fix this, I’d feel like I am moving forward more quickly.

Also, unrelated, is that when I go to click on the newest blog to read (the one Bonanza wrote on Google) I get a “whoops” message that I am not supposed to do this. Does anyone know why this is happening?

Thank you.

asked over 7 years ago

4 Answers

I looked up your items, and they are showing what you have them listed for plus the shipping cost. I looked up mine, and mine are showing the way they should be also (however, mine are Way way down in search, not sure how anyone would find them, but they are showing the correct price & shipping cost)

As far as the blog, I am seeing the same error message….All i can think of is that Bill Harding posted it in error or posted it incorrectly. not sure.

answered over 7 years ago


PlayfulPetPalz says: December 23, 2016

Thanks for looking. Was it a search within Bonanza? If so, I guess somehow my account is set to seeing an international price I would guess.

PlayfulPetPalz says: December 23, 2016

Too bad on the blog. It sounded really interesting to read. I hope to be able to read it later.

PlayfulPetPalz says: December 23, 2016

It is nice to know that my prices here on Bonanza is showing what it is supposed to be for other shoppers to see though.

SparklesJewelry says: December 23, 2016

Yes, i did a general search of bonanza. Not google. So not sure why that it is showing like that for you. I would send a note in to support and just let them know or it could be as you said.

SparklesJewelry says: December 23, 2016

I agree, it would have been nice to read that blog. Maybe he will still post it for all of us to see.

PlayfulPetPalz says: December 23, 2016

Support said it must have been the way I did the search. Still not sure why though as I did not use any filters. I just typed in keywords into the box and voila lol. That is what I got. But as long as buyers are seeing it, which the lady at Bonz said the same as you in price, then it is all good. :)

SparklesJewelry says: December 23, 2016

Good, im glad to hear support was able to help you. I’m not sure what they mean either by how you searched, for all we know it could be another bonanza glitch. But glad you got it solved! :)

Just venturing a guess but if the price is showing that shipping is included, then naturally that will raise the overprice of the item. Shipping is included.

Also, if you are using calculated shipping, while this is wrong, Google will show the HIGHEST cost for shipping for the farthest distance, even if the buyer is in your back yard or 1 zone over. If the buyer was to put in their zip code in the search (but most do not) then I am told it shows the cost to that zip. If they are doing a generic search (without a zip inserted), Google showing the highest ship cost is a disadvantage to selling here.

answered over 7 years ago

1 Comment

PlayfulPetPalz says: December 23, 2016

Thanks. It is not in a Google search that is showing these dollars. It is Bonanza’s search. I give flat rare. Bonanza’s search is showing my listing at a higher price than what I have it for in their search along with showing shipping is included making it appear to sound like free shipping .

Interesting – will have to check out some of my listings and see if that’s happening. Honestly, google shouldn’t have the right to mess with anyone’s listing IMHO.

As for that blog error, I’m seeing it, too! I got a message that said [URL removed]

“Whoops. There was an error.
You don’t have access to do that.”


answered over 7 years ago

1 Comment

PlayfulPetPalz says: December 23, 2016

It is a Bonanza search right here on the site itself.

I just joined and imported my listings from Ebay that come with free shipping. On Bonanza, the price is lower than what it is on Ebay. How do I resolve this so that it reflects the correct price?

answered over 7 years ago


PlayfulPetPalz says: December 23, 2016

I am pretty sure that when you move stuff from eBay to Bonanza that there is an area to click so that your items will not be marked down slightly once here. Bonanza support may have a better idea, but I believe you can delete what you brought over and just do the import again making sure that….

PlayfulPetPalz says: December 23, 2016

…there is nothing checked so that your prices decrease once here on Bonanza. Good luck with your new site.

SparklesJewelry says: December 23, 2016

AmpdisTributing, the price is lower because it costs less to sell on bonanza, and actually you shouldn’t have the same item or the same price on both sites, since you are competing against yourself. I forgot where it is that you check so you items do not decrease in price when being sent to bonanza,

SparklesJewelry says: December 23, 2016

Maybe make a new post so your question will be seen better in the forum, and they can help you out a bit better than i can. You can always go in and batch edit them to the correct price too.

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