New amazon payments button

Just to [URL removed] is that change something that will be done automatically by Bonz when the time comes (Oct 7th I think it said)?

asked over 10 years ago

4 Answers

Since many of us who received the Amazon email do not sell on Amazon, I would assume it would have to apply here. Here is what the new button will look like.
![URL removed]
From Amazon below
What do I need to do?

In most cases, you will not need to do anything. The update will take place automatically if you are using the default integration which requests the button image from Amazon servers. Still, we recommend that you let your IT, customer experience and customer service departments know that the new “Pay with Amazon” button will start appearing on October 7, 2013.

If you have a custom integration where the “Pay with Amazon” button images are cached locally on your servers, we recommend that you modify your code to request the button image from Amazon servers.

answered over 10 years ago

1 Comment

gearseller2 says: October 02, 2013

Your reply is the statement on ECommerce blog that led to my question- still don’t know for sure do we?

Good question. I wondered the same thing. We have to remember that there are two different Amazon checkouts. There’s the one everyone on Amazon uses and then there’s the one we use (Checkout by Amazon). When we first began using CBA, many who already sold on Amazon were puzzled that they couldn’t just use the Amazon checkout they already had in place.

So, which Amazon payment method does this change apply to?

And my guess is that if it does apply to CBA, then I expect Bonz will make the change just as they removed Google Checkout a month or so ago.

Boys? Care to chime in?

answered over 10 years ago

From the top-

Hello Beverly

“Thank you for emailing. All the CBA payment integration is updated and handled on the backend here at Bonanza. You can’t do anything or need to. It is handled on this side. How easy is that! ;)”

So now we know :-) Hope this helped others as well as me….

answered over 10 years ago

How does one get signed up for Checkout Amazon ?
I did not get an eMail.

answered over 10 years ago

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