No sales since January

I’m puzzled. I had 2 sales in January 2018 and that’s it. What could be wrong with my booth? I have 30% commission set up for extra exposure, over 300 items listed. Is it because I don’t add listings anymore? Why bother if nothing is being sold.

asked over 5 years ago

4 Answers

This is an official Bonanza response.

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Sorry that you are not having a good experience. I had a quick look at your Bonanza booth and believe you are not getting sales due to your multi-channel strategy. You are selling the same items on eBay for less. In short, you are inadvertently driving your buyers to eBay with cheaper prices than you are posting them for sale on Bonanza. This is something you can correct quite easily. If you go to your Bonanza eBay importer page, you can select to have your items synchronized with your eBay store and to have our importer adjust your Bonanza prices based on how much money you will be saving on Bonanza vs eBay. Other than that, I would encourage you to optimize your titles (remove ALL CAPS) and make sure you have an image that will show favorably on mobile. Good luck!

selected by Bonanza as the best answer

answered over 5 years ago

You have to really be hands on here, daily attention and basically do all your own advertising. I myself list new items daily, constant updating of photos, descriptions etc., advertising on various social media sites, I also sell thru various other locations so when I sell there I send a coupon valid for for my booth here, about 3-4 times a year I purchase the Turbo traffic pack which helps tremendously. Pricing is of course very important as everyone googles everything and price checks. Great thing about Bonanza is it is free until you sell something, so it is a great place to create a large booth and then feed it with customers from other sites. The busy season is almost here so hopefully it will help, I do know this month has been slow for me, but, with all the weather issues and various other worldly problems, I am not surprised.

answered over 5 years ago

You have some really interesting items, pics are good, full titles, good descriptions, attributes/traits filled out

The only thing I can think to suggest is to take a harder look at the shipping. ship first class where u can. People are frugal with shipping costs now more than ever I think.


answered over 5 years ago


Atomicdiner says: October 21, 2018

Be aware that First Class Shipping will be by weight and ZONE pricing next year going up an average of 12 pct. Hope Bonz is working on a First Class Shipping Calculation like Priority mail.

EmpressDepot says: October 21, 2018

Thanks for telling me. I’m scared to see what the other shipping services will go up to next year.

EmpressDepot says: October 21, 2018

I do flat rate. I used to be a 100 percent stickler on calculated shipping.

Atomicdiner says: October 21, 2018

EcommerceBytes did an article With the current divisor of 194 and new divisor will be 166 increasing pricing quite a bit on Priority. Gonna kill sales for sure with high ship costs.

EmpressDepot says: October 22, 2018

Just lovely!!

The longer the items are listed the farther down the search they can go. Maybe just re list a few as new listings.

answered over 5 years ago

Reputation: 1291
See A2z4u2c's booth
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Viewed: 1105 times

Asked: over 5 years ago

Latest response: over 5 years ago

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