Photo uploads: strange things are afoot at the circle k

Somehow my settings for my photo uploads (or is it downloads?) got changed. I have NO IDEA how.
I had been being successful with loading photos onto Bozo until a couple days ago.
I keep getting the [URL removed]
“IMG_6432.JPG is not of allowed file type (.jpg, .jpeg, .png, .bmp), or is outside the allowed size limits (1 KB to 20 MB).”
Now I don’t know WHAT to do as a computer illiterate person who has no idea in what form the photos CAN be saved for Bozo use.
Thank you for helping me with this.
P.S. I’m also having issues with FB uploads. I’m thinking the same thing is applying there too.

asked almost 6 years ago

1 Comment

Design3a says: August 24, 2018

It may be that the file is very large and so do not let it load, if so you have to reduce its size

3 Answers

Onto Bozo??

answered almost 6 years ago

Reputation: 1958
See misskeech's booth

1 Comment

loves_birds says: August 25, 2018

Maybe they are trying to upload images at

Mine just did the same thing..though I know my photos are all within the size limits that was suggested on the error message..(1 KB to 20 MB)..(by the way 20MB is pretty big photo)

Normally I select all the photos I want to upload at once and there is no problem..

I went back and uploaded them one at a time and there was no issue..(hoping that this is just an indication that they are “tinkering” with the photo editor on the backside)

answered almost 6 years ago

Reputation: 12648
See ccmom's booth

I did not have that happen but a few days ago after uploading some photos to a listing and deciding I wanted to upload a few more, the option to upload was not there after I had uploaded the first batch. I never left the listing….it just did not have an area anymore for me to upload.

[URL removed] I was not at the maximum amount of photos either.

Last night I was able to go back into the listing and uploaded the rest of the photos I had tried to do prior.

answered almost 6 years ago

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