Problem using item "duplicate" function

I have been using item “DUPLICATE” function to list more items for Booth.

As you can see in the example below. My item UPC Codes and MPN are showing two informations from the original and the duplicate listings.

My question is how do I get around this so that it does not happened again? I have going into each duplicated listings to fix this problem. The UPC Codes and MPN below are for two different products.

[[[URL removed]|[phone number removed]]]

[[[URL removed]|94345HF]]

asked almost 11 years ago

4 Answers

Are you using the duplicate feature because the items are similar products or are you using the duplicate feature because you do not want to keep typing in the same information when it comes to your shipping terms, etc, that you have within each of your listings?

If it is the first reason, you’ll have to keep going under Update Items as a Group just like you have been doing.

If it is the second reason, just create a false listing and give it a title as Template.

Here’s [URL removed]

Act like you are creating a new listing.

Make sure to fill in what you want filled out in the description area, which is the info that you always want shoppers to see when looking at your listings (this area is called the Listing Editor where you change the font type, font size, etc, etc). After you do this, do not worry about selecting a category, a shipping price, or any attributes whatsoever and do not give the listing a price….do not do anything that you do not want carried over into a new listing. Just click save.

You will get a message at the top of the screen making it appear as though the listing did not save. However, when you click on the Sell link at the top left of your page and look at the page that comes up, you will see the Template listing that you created. You may have to switch your booth to show lowest to highest first in order to see this listing.

Once you find your Template listing, hover over it and click duplicate and then click edit. Then list your listing, filling everything in including the attributes. Then if you go to Update Items as a Group and click Search Optimize, you’ll see that this listing will only have the attributes that you just gave it…no older attributes attached from a previous listing.

I have got a template that I keep in the background and duplicate from it when adding a new listing. I’ve been doing this now for over a few years and it has went fine.

answered almost 11 years ago


BookbinEtc says: June 18, 2013

This is what I do as well. I have templates for each shipping category, so I don’t have to re-enter payment types or shipping costs. Do not enter traits and attributes until you make the actual listing for each item.

HavensRainbow says: June 19, 2013

I love having this feature!!!

This has been a problem for a long time. There is no easy fix for it from the listing page. After you list an item, go to batch edit – search optimize and delete the incorrect attributes.

answered almost 11 years ago

1 Comment

cards4me says: June 17, 2013

Make sure to delete the entire line, for example [[[URL removed]|[phone number removed]]]. Then add back the correct info, for example, [[[URL removed]

When I duplicate and have a new UPC or brand to add, I use the [[[URL removed] and [[[URL removed] format at the end of my listing description. This removes the old attributes and replaces then with the new. Other sellers have said this does not work for them, but I have never had a problem with it. I just tried it with an item, replaced UPC and Brand, checked in BE and the new ones were correct with the old removed.

answered almost 11 years ago

I believe you need to select “add an item” each time. I did the same thing thinking I could cut down on time but duplicate is literal not figurative as I had hoped.

answered almost 11 years ago


HavensRainbow says: June 17, 2013

Right…and I don’t recommend duplicating from an actual listing either because then even if the old descriptive information is taken out there will still be some extra HTML in there from that info…at least this is the way I’ve always understood it with the HTML.

HavensRainbow says: June 17, 2013

“actual listing” as in a previous listing that was up for sale that described another listing.

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