Question about jewelry mark

I have a piece of jewelry that I know belonged to my grandmother. It is marked Made in Russia. I was told that it would have to be made in 1991 or later when USSR once again became Russia. Can anyone help me with this please? I just know it belonged to my grandmother and she passed long before 1991.

Thank you all for the great help, I appreciate it!!

asked almost 12 years ago

4 Answers

It is called a “Zhostovo brooch pin” which are quite common from mid 1950’s to date

Type (in Google) Zhostovo brooch pin…
and then click “Images” (left side of that page) and there you will see a variety

Zhostovo Brooches are Russian lacquer brooches pins with flowers are most Russian jewelry items. Initially these brooches pins were painted in Zhostovo style. Zhostovo is a world-famous Russian folk art center known by its painted metal trays decorated with bright bunches of flowers on the black background. This painting technique is used in painting of brooches pins – bright paints, wide brush strokes, contrast shadows are main features of Zhostovo style painting. The brooches pins are painted on paper-mache base with oil paints and finished with glossy lacquer marked Made in Russia.

answered almost 12 years ago

Reputation: 8354
See MONTROSE's booth

Pictures might help. Is the “Made in Russia” in English or is it actually in cyrillic?

[URL removed] OMG, it’s gorgeous! Hopefully someone who knows will be along soon to give you some help.

answered almost 12 years ago

I’m sorry, it is in English “Made in Russia.” I don’t have a picture of it yet but that is all it says on the back, I’ll try and get a picture.

I hope these pictures work. So sorry, it does have another word on the back. I have had a really bad day today!

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answered almost 12 years ago

Lovely little Russian Lacquer pin. Collectible people still collect them. You have a good little item there. As Montrose says do a search and you can get a good idea of what the value is. They made little trinket boxes themed after fairy tales and dresser boxes prices get very high for certain boxes. Yetta

answered almost 12 years ago

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Asked: almost 12 years ago

Latest response: almost 12 years ago

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