Search engine for bonanza

I just started on this platform, I sell a lot of antique glass, carnival glass etc. One thing I have noticed, is anything that is put into the search box concerning carnival glass automatically takes all traffic to a seller on Bonanza that sells under the name Carnival Glass King. Seems a moot point to me when my or others items cannot be found due to a soft manipulation of a search feature. Any way to change this, or am I just spinning my wheels?

asked over 5 years ago


EmpressDepot says: February 24, 2019

I love your carnival glass. This happens to be my most favorite of collectible glass.

Atomicdiner says: February 25, 2019

there is an article on Ecommercebytes about the pitfalls of Bonanza Search.

2 Answers

Here’s why the two words Carnival Glass not only brings up a seller with these words in his name but also the carnival glass itself.

Bonanza has it where shoppers can find a seller under their booth name from doing a site-wide Bonanza search.

However, I strongly recommend to contact Bonanza since the words Carnival Glass is not the full name for this seller’s booth. In my opinion, in no way should these two words bring up the seller since this clearly makes this seller have an advantage….not that it is the sellers fault at all. It is something that I bet you Bonanza has not thought to address or maybe even there is a glitch with only two words bringing up the seller’s booth name in search whereas it should only bring up a seller’s booth if all words to the booth name are used.

I could have sworn that we used to have to put in the seller’s booth name with no spaces in between the words but I guess not…

However, I do not think you are spinning your wheels. When I made a search of carnival glass, your listing was first in line along with a few others showing up further below. Here is what I saw when I put carnival glass into Bonanza’s search [URL removed]

![URL removed]

answered over 5 years ago


OzarkEmporium says: February 27, 2019

Many thanks for your time and opinion! Like you, I know the seller is innocent in all of this. I was hoping someone from Bonanza would see this and be made aware. I am finding my listings via google as well, so that part works! Once again, many many thanks. Most appreciated.

EmpressDepot says: March 01, 2019

You are welcome!!!

Maybe it is related to a high advertising level choice, purchase of turbo traffic, etc.

In my search, though, Your listings are in a quite prominent position, after the mentioned booth, there are 7 of Your items in a Catalog Recommendations, then there is (as expected) a line of featured items and below, in the first row, there are 3 of Your [URL removed]

![URL removed]

Good luck with Your beautiful collection!

answered over 5 years ago

1 Comment

OzarkEmporium says: February 27, 2019

Many thanks and the same to you! Understand that this was not a complaint about you or your choice of booth name. It literally had to do with search engine within Bonanza. You too have some gorgeous glass! Many thanks for your time.

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