Setting up custom portrait products in my booth

I need to know if Bonanza is a platform I can use. I have a family memorial website that offers custom memorial portraits. My site is new so I’m looking for a place that will bring more traffic and plan on advertising @ the 9%. My problem is that customers can select a background, Memorial text, inspirational image and then they upload their photos for me to use. I tried setting up three items in my booth Dragonfly Memories. If you look you can see my dilemma. I’d appreciate any suggestions.

asked over 5 years ago

2 Answers

This is an official Bonanza response.

Hi DragonflyMemories, after reading what you’re trying to do, the only things you may have troubles with are the variations and having your customer upload their photos to you. At this time, Bonanza only allows two variations per listing, so type & size is all you can do. Regarding the photo(s) from your customer, they’ll need to send the photos directly to your personal email address since our messaging system does not handle attachments.

We may recommend adding your personal email address to an after sale message so your customers can see which email to send their photos. You’ll find the after sale setting in your Booth Settings.

Hope this helps!

answered over 5 years ago

1 Comment

DragonflyMemories says: September 10, 2018

Thanks. If I can use my email it will make make things simple. I can have them send me their photos and their sections and then they would just pay in my booth. I work one on one with them throughout the process.

Hi Dragonfly.

You’ll have to forgive me if I am not understanding your question clearly. But regardless, I did see a few things that I think may help to make things more clearly.

The drop-down menu for A, B, C, etc, I see that you have also included each letter on your photos. I think it would be a good idea to put this info within your descriptions, too.

For example, let the customer know something like this (without the quotes of course):

“Choose your design from the drop down. You will have a choice from A to Z. Below is a list of what each letter stands for and please refer to the photos that have each letter in the corner in order to make an informed purchasing decision.

A is ….
B is ….
and so forth"

By putting this information in the description, I think will help your listing to flow better in the shopper’s mind.

Also, you are able to put your email address in your descriptions. I know other sites do not allow this but Bonanza does. This way you can tell the shopper to send you an attachment via your email address if you choose to do so.

Also, I’m not sure if you meant for this question mark to be in your description or [URL removed]

We decorate memorial pages for each holiday?

The reason I ask about the question mark is that sometimes when first adding HTML, Bonanza has a small glitch where a question mark gets placed in. If this is the case, all you have to do is go back into the listing and remove the question mark, save the listing again, go back into the listing and then copy the HTML. Save this HTML to your notepad and next time you take it from your notepad, the question mark will not be in there anymore.

I’m thinking you should be just fine in selling on Bonanza and can make it work.

Welcome to Bonanza. I faved your booth to return at a later date.


answered over 5 years ago


DragonflyMemories says: September 10, 2018

Thanks Sharon! I confuse people a lot! lol Great advice I will definitely use!! My custom portraits have 54 background to choose from so I will use my email in the descriptions.

DragonflyMemories says: September 10, 2018

It was suppose to be a . not ? :)

EmpressDepot says: September 10, 2018

I got you about the period and not the question mark lol. This makes sense. At least you know about the small glitch with the question mark now though if it ever happens :)

EmpressDepot says: September 10, 2018

You are not alone in confusing people. I do it all the time.

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Latest response: over 5 years ago

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