Shaver is a restricted item on google???

I put a men’s shaver on my booth and it is telling me it is a Google restricted item. Is there a way to fix this? TIA

asked almost 6 years ago

3 Answers

I have 9 items (books and toys) that have been listed for a while…when I ran the diagnostics in May they came back as restricted…yet all items are in google shopping form other locations, even copies of same books on bonanza are in google..

So I have been trying to re-word descriptions (even re-doing) some of the listings trying to figure out what google’s problem is with them…

As to what you can listing, re-word listing…send for another feed diagnostic or ask support to check it out..

I re-ran the feed on Jul 2 and came back with no issues…but I still do not see the items in google shopping.

answered almost 6 years ago

Reputation: 12648
See ccmom's booth

Sometimes it could just be certain words in your description (ie. blade, cut, smoke, etc.) that flag it as a Google restricted item. Unfortunately, there isn’t always an easy way to avoid those words. Then again, sometimes there is no apparent reason.

answered almost 6 years ago

1 Comment

ccmom says: July 11, 2018

exact;y…I have been trying to do word substitutes….maybe I should just go bare bones descriptions.. with book, fiction by xx , year hardcover. Seems adding a synopsis of the book is causing the problems, though I rarely buy books myself unless I can see a synopsis myself

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answered almost 6 years ago

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Asked: almost 6 years ago

Latest response: almost 6 years ago

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