
Hello, I made an offer to buy but there is no shipping information provided. Do I wait for it? How long? Thanks

asked almost 3 years ago

1 Comment

JohnM5780 says: December 06, 2021

This had happened with me also but i had contact the support and they had resolved my issue.

2 Answers

This is an official Bonanza response.

Hello planet_power,

Bonanza’s Community Help page is a place you can get general questions answered from the community.

Since this is a support-related question, please direct your concern to [email protected] so we can assist you further. It is our pleasure to assist you, please do not hesitate to reach out to us if we can be of further assistance.

Kind Regards
Wanda T.
Happiness Producer
Bonanza Support Team

answered almost 3 years ago

I’m not sure, if You have already paid for the order (e.g. the seller had a min. Buy It Now price set and you could send the payment and now are waiting for the shipp. confirmation or just received order corfirmation to proceed).

So, some general [URL removed]
Best offers on Bonanza should include the item’s price plus! shipping, plus taxes, which means – the total amount.

Please, check below the Name Your Own Price line in [URL removed]

Make the seller an offer for the total amount that you want to pay for this order

![URL removed]

To check, if the seller is aware of Your offer, check on her/his profile page the last date they were active in their booth (under the name/nick there are joined … , active… dates.

answered almost 3 years ago

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