skrill (moneybookers) payment method on bonanza?

can skrill (aka as Moneybookers ) be used as a payment method on Bonanza?

asked about 11 years ago

4 Answers

Not at the present time. Right now, Bonanza allows sellers to accept payment through PayPal, Google Checkout, and Amazon Payments. You can also accept checks and money orders when you achieve 3 positive feedback entries.

You can find all the information here, under “fees and payments”

[URL removed]

Bonanza is also exploring the possibility of allowing sellers to accept direct credit / debit card payments, but this hasn’t happened yet.

You can read about it [URL removed]

[URL removed]

answered about 11 years ago

Yes, you can accept payment from whoever you want. I’ve always accepted Moneybookers / Skrill.

It just isn’t ‘automatic’ like PayPal. The buyer can pay that way, but uses the m/o option and you would mark the item paid yourself when you get the payment.

answered about 11 years ago

You could submit the suggestion to Bonanza via the Feedback link at the bottom of the page.

With Google checkout being phased out they are sure to be looking at alternatives to PayPal.

answered about 11 years ago

Thanks everyone …due to GC termination that is why i asked about MoneyBookes (Skrill) i have taken GC off already , why wait for there timeline ? I am just leaving now…..I asked about Skrill bcause of Bonanza’s dealings with Ebay now …I will send the question to Bonanza support …..i was with the understanding that if took you off there site and was not one of there payments accepted that they could terminate you if they found out ….Again Thanks everyone for your help and support…

answered about 11 years ago

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