Sort sequence

Just wondering if anyone has a work around for this….

I sell shirts and want a drop-down menu showing sizes.
Unfortunately the menu items are shown in a strict alphabetic order.
Normally sensible but… for sizes you really need them to show in the [URL removed]
S, M, L, XL, 2XL – which is a natural progression for a shopper.
as it is they are [URL removed] 2XL, L, M, S, XL – which is just an ungainly mess.

I’ve tried forcing a series of periods in front of the sizes
not ideal but i was hoping for the sort sequence to run as [URL removed]

In ASCII sequence the ‘period’ comes before Numerics followed by Alphas
However in Bonanza Sequence it seems to run Numerics ‘period’ Alphas
with the result that no matter how I try, that pesky 2XL label appears at the top.

Not sure if Bonanza are using a ‘regular’ sort sequence of some kind or one of their own invention.
I’m not a techy and if they are I havn’t been able to find a table showing a sequence with the period between alphas and numerics.
What I’m hoping for is that there will be a ‘special character’ that I could use as a spacer to force the sequence i want.

Space would of course be ideal but because it’s converting to html multiple spaces are reduced to a single space – so that doesn’t work.

Or maybe I’m just missing an obvious trick.

It’s just irritating – I really hate how the selections look with this sort sequence, just looks unprofessional and untidy – I know it would put me off.

asked almost 6 years ago


ccmom says: August 23, 2018

as far as I can tell everyone’s listing are in numeric/alpha order…

lazycarrottees says: August 23, 2018

Ok- Still curious for curiosities sake but I’ve figured as everyone else’s drop downs are sorted in this way then Bonanza Shoppers must be familiar and comfortable with the set up. So I’ve taken out all my ugly .periods. and gone for a the system familiarly used here. Thanks for looking!

1 Answer

Instead of 2XL use XXL and enter on your listing in size order (i.e. SM first,MD second, Large third etc)-problem solved- that’s what we do for multiple sizes on our items. Great selling to you!

answered almost 6 years ago

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