Standard advertising for google - i'm confused on cost - please help

I’m signing up for the Standard Advertising package for Google and Bing Shopping in Bonanza which has the 13% Fee. I just want to make sure it’s 13% per sale correct and not every time someone clicks on my item and doesn’t buy it. Please Clarify. Do I only pay a One Time 13% if they buy my item? And do I pay 13% plus another 3% to Bonanza or just a flat 13% total?

asked over 9 years ago

5 Answers

Your maximum seller commission fee would be 13%. Many times, the fee is less than the maximum.

The Bonanza page where advertising is discussed [URL removed] “Higher values mean we can buy you more buyer page views. We will charge you less than your max commission whenever possible”

There is a link next to that phrase that allows you to Learn more removed]

answered over 9 years ago

Reputation: 8637
See tomwayne1's booth

You only pay the higher commission when you sell an item, and only for the buyers that click through Google or Bing and purchase. If the buyer comes directly to Bonanza and purchases your item, then it would be the 3.5% fee. You will not be charged more than 13%, it is not 13% plus Bonanza fees. No purchase – no fee.

answered over 9 years ago

I have been gone from Bonanza a while, so many changes. I do not understand the % of advertising fully either. I understand that we pick a % (say 13%) and if there is a click through and a purchase made coming from the advertising we pay the commission. Do the item clicks add up?

Say a book is listed with advertising, 10 people click on it but do not purchase. Then another person clicks on it and does purchase it. Now, it the commission 11 X 13% of the sale,or just a straight 13% ?

answered over 9 years ago

1 Comment

LotsofLegos says: October 17, 2014

Just the straight 13%, and it can be lower. The more clicks the higher percent, but it will not be over 13%. You will not pay more than the percent you choose.

I have had items with as many as 20 clicks and still did not pay the full percentage.

It is not that each click is 13%, but 13% of the cost of your item is used to determine how much to spend on clicks.

Your item cost $20.00
You chose 13% for advertising
You have a potential fvf now of $2.60.

Depending on the item, it’s popularity and other factors I do not know, clicks (advertising) are purchased.

Based on some of the items in my other booth, I would say clicks are being purchases anywhere from $.01 to $.25 (though higher cost items are probably getting higher visibility, higher cost clicks), let’s say they are paying $.10/click, so you have a potential for $2.60 of 26 ads through out the internet. If only one is clicked on and item sells you pay a whole extra $.25 (or the small percentage that represents) on fvf above the minimum of $.50

If all 26 are clicked on and it sells on the last one then you pay the $2.60.

Please note that bonanza also has a ‘stash’ of clicks that they spread out through out the site and you may get even more clicks, but you do not pay for those..they are part of bonz’s advertising

Also note, this is my observation of how things are working for me and a minor understanding of how advertising clicks work….

But the final answer is that you will never pay higher than you chosen advertising fee, of course unless the item costs less that about 10.00 with a minimum fee of $.50..the % can be higher

answered over 9 years ago

Reputation: 3068
See CindyBear's booth

I have the superior 16% option for advertising.

I sold 9 items in September, probably my best month ever on bonanza.

For 3 items i sold to Bonanza members, the fee was only .50 but the % came to 16.67
But for others that came thru google or where ever else, my fee’s were never higher than 16% (6 out of the 9 sales came to 16%, the rest were lower)

My highest priced item i sold was $30 the fee was only 1.05 which was a 3.50% rate.

My lowest priced item was $3 which i paid .50 fee but the % was 16.67

All in all, for 9 items I sold, which came to about 104.00, my total fee’s for the month were only $15.83. I did however get charged for a previous month were my fee’s were $1.76 but i was never charged for, so it was added onto this bill.

Not bad considering Bonz does not charge you on the shipping cost either like ebay does.

**Just a [URL removed] I signed up for the trial gold membership plan which ends at the end of this month, so I don’t know if that made any difference in my getting the 9 sales or not.

answered over 9 years ago

Reputation: 1958
See misskeech's booth


tomwayne1 says: October 17, 2014

Because of the minimum $0.50 fee on FVF commissions, it is possible that the percentage will be higher than what you signed up for However, that is because the sale is probably on a low-priced item and the minimum fee is a higher percentage of the sale price.

misskeech says: October 17, 2014

that is correct tomwayne1.

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