Transformed jewels


Im new here and wanted to find out if Bonanza allows selling repurposed Chanel button jewelry?

Any feedback would appreciate it!

Thank you.

asked almost 6 years ago


abigdogmom says: July 09, 2018

When I do a search for repurposed jewelry several items pop up.

ccmom says: July 10, 2018

as long as the brand name is not used

3 Answers

That would be infringing on Chanel’s intellectual property, and would be illegal to sell. You can’t use the name Chanel, as it is no longer a Chanel product.

answered almost 6 years ago

On a side note, I notice in your Profile, the “About Me” section, you have a link to your selling dashboard. Is that really what you want there? When someone goes to that link, it will only take them to there own selling dashboard. I think most folk would like to know a little about you. We are kind of nosey that way. ;)

answered almost 6 years ago

Hello Dear

Did you received my request?

Waiting to hear from you soon

e-mail. [email protected]

answered almost 6 years ago

Reputation: 708
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Viewed: 885 times

Asked: almost 6 years ago

Latest response: almost 6 years ago

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