Trouble publishing to ebay

I just changed the advertising rate to 13 percent and added the publish to ebay option. I just tried one item out as a test and I got an error message saying the item could not be published to ebay. The error message said Error 120 Before you can list this item we need some additional information to create a seller’s account. I already have a seller account at ebay and its same one I’m using when I tried to publish. I went ahead and put one item for sale manually at ebay with no problem. Just to see if it would make a difference. I tried again to publish an item to ebay from bonanza (different item not the same one I already listed at ebay) and I got the same error. So what am I missing here? Any help appreciated thanks.

asked almost 10 years ago

3 Answers

This is an official Bonanza response.

If your seller account on eBay is new then perhaps that is why. It could also be something on our side, or eBay’s side. We were able to gather some details and we will ask our programming team to see what they can find out. Feel free to contact us at [email protected] with any other details and an update or to report anything else (you can also click on the “Contact” link on the bottom of any page to contact our support team).

answered almost 10 years ago

I could be totally off base here, but thought I’d add the following. Was the error message saying you needed to establish your ebay account or was it asking you to identify your ebay account for Bonanza? Perhaps it was just the link that needed to be established.

answered almost 10 years ago

i am having issues publishing to ebay also, except mine says “pending ebay account setup”. where do i go to activate it?

answered almost 10 years ago

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Asked: almost 10 years ago

Latest response: almost 10 years ago

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