Trying to add google analytics, but keep getting an "invalid url" error?

Hey all,
Been a powerseller on ebay for a while… until ebay suddenly decided to restrict both of my accounts at the end of nov, they then screwed up one of my accounts and cost me a lot of $ out of pocket. Then after more than 2 weeks and many calls, got an email where they said they decided to restrict me “indefinitely”, then told me that it was “against ebay policy” to tell me why I was being restricted…. whatever.
I am DONE with ebay. Just beyond ridiculous how they treat us sellers who did nothing but take care of their customers, especially when we Are ebay’s paying CUSTOMERS. And I had absolutely nothing against either of my accounts! Still having customers contacting me wanting to make purchases… Giving them my Bonanza Booth address :-)

Anyway… sorry didn’t come here to rant, still just a bit hot over all of it.

In any case, I already had a Bonanza account as I was planning on expanding my online sales to Bonanza. But Now Bonanza IS my Primary Account, so for the past week I’ve been moving everything to my booth here.

With that said, I’m trying to add Google Analytics to my Booth, as I haven’t added the webstore yet but plan too soon. But every time I try to fill out the Google Analytics form, when I put in the URL of my booth it gives me this error “Default URL is invalid.”

Does anyone know what this even means? Is there a “special” url somewhere for our booths that we’re supposed to use? I’ve searched all over Bonanza, Google, and YouTube, but coming up empty. So I thought I would ask and see if anyone has an answer. Unless Analytics no longer works with just a booth anymore? And instead only works with the webstores now?? idk

Any input would be Much Appreciated!

Thanks All,

asked over 5 years ago

Reputation: 20
See OTTC's booth
2 Answers

I set mine up years ago when memberships were not required and have the booth URL loaded..but this is your URL


both should work

actually, I just looked at mine and I still have the URL…guess I will change it if I decide to go with another membershop

answered over 5 years ago

Reputation: 12648
See ccmom's booth
Google Analytics tutorial… these are virtually everywhere on the internet because knowing how to use your Google Analytics dashboard for your business is essential – that is if you’re serious about understanding your site traffic and your bounce rate etc. In this video, I explain step-by-step exactly how to install your Google Analytics code. Also, you should visit this blog [URL removed] [URL removed] for more information on how to set up google analytics account

answered almost 4 years ago

Reputation: 28
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Viewed: 1629 times

Asked: over 5 years ago

Latest response: almost 4 years ago

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