Trying to identify a signature on 2 plates-Can anyone read Arabic?

I have two very pretty plates. They are signed, but I cannot read the signature or find a picture of it. I have listed the item with the signature enlarged. If anyone has any idea what this is, I’d greatly appreciate it.

[URL removed]

asked over 12 years ago

4 Answers

At first glance I thought they were Asian, but after closer scrutiny, they look more middle eastern, and the signature looks almost like Farsi. Hopefully someone who is an expert will know. They are gorgeous!

answered over 12 years ago

Here’s your image view from your link provided and also located within your booth so others can help to suggest, etc…Best of luck within your research

![URL removed]

answered over 12 years ago

Reputation: 8354
See MONTROSE's booth

Thanks to Johngermaine, I’ve identifed the script as Arabic and made a very very rough translation to Alakh Passion, but there I stick, because that doesn’t come up anywhere. Thanks for the help.

answered over 12 years ago

I could help if my Grandson was here. He is in the Air Force as a linguist and Arabic is the first language he learned.

answered over 12 years ago

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Asked: over 12 years ago

Latest response: over 12 years ago

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