Why does my ebay sync never complete?

So I paid for silver membership to have the ebay sync daily (the only benefit to silver). The ebay import page says “The eBay import on December 12th, 2014 at 01:04 is currently in progress” and “0 items out of a total of 204 items items have been processed.” (I have over 1000 items on ebay).
In the “ebay sync info” it says “Inventory was last synced never and will next be synced around 12/12/14.”
It is now 9:20 and there is no progress whatsoever. If it behaves as it has since I started this, it will NEVER complete and simply start over tomorrow morning. I have checked this as late as 10pm and it was in the same state.

In the meantime…
I have sync set to activate imported items immediately. When I check my booth, the ONLY items available are the NON-EBAY items – everything that is ebay related is on hold. This means out of over 1000 items, 9 are displayed in my store. ALL DAY.
It’s very hard to sell anything when Bonanza disables 99% of my product every morning at 1am!

asked over 9 years ago

4 Answers

This is an official Bonanza response.

Accept hover

We apologize for the delay. You are correct, the eBay importer is very slow and will likely continue to be slow for a week. We have a record amount of traffic and transactions on the site and that has slowed down the importers. Because we have multiple importers, one may import a partial amount of your items while the other importers are waiting to do the rest. In the meantime, we would recommend that you manually remove any items that have since sold on eBay (vs waiting for the sync to do so). Hopefully things will catch up this time next week. We appreciate your patience.

Kind regards,
The Bonanza Team

answered over 9 years ago

Thanks for the explanation, Mark! I’ll follow your advice and hope for improvement.

[URL removed]
The sync seems to be completing in a timely manner now, but there is one small problem… When it starts the sync, it deactivates all items. After the sync it only reactivates the items it imported. For example, this morning it says “163 items were imported. 798 items were skipped.
Successfully imported 163 of 961 items”
Now when I go to my Add Items page, it tells me “972 sellable items in your booth. 809 items are online currently. 163 items are ready for sale.”, and I have to manually reactivate the skipped items.

My sync details [URL removed] “Items posted for sale immediately after import”.

answered over 9 years ago

So how long does this process take for just 110 items that I have to sync from eBay ?

answered almost 9 years ago

I started importing from ebay well over a week ago and its stuck. This is ridiculous. I have maybe 200 items

answered almost 6 years ago

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Asked: over 9 years ago

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