Why is bonanza adding ebay type unneded traits to our auctions?

I am in shock. I was checking my auction & saw this.

Item details
Reviews Search Amazon
Category Nonfiction
Qty Available Only one in stock, order soon
Condition Very Good
Related Retailer Sears ( !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! )

Why is SEARS listed as a related retailer to me in my auction?

This is the type of stupidity I expect from GREEDBAY NOT BONANZA!

I had to edit the auction to remove it. But do I have to edit all my auction & now monitor them for bizarre added traits?

asked almost 8 years ago

1 Comment

gearseller2 says: August 16, 2016

It’s not stupidity, just a computer mystery- has gone on now and again on our site for years and at that only an occasional item. Then it seems to stop. .

5 Answers

Bonanza is not an auction site and when you import auction item listings from eBay, it is necessary to clean up your listing descriptions and delete all those references to eBay…one of the downfalls of importing listings from eBay is having to edit each & every listing. Your item listings still read like eBay auction listings. Unfortunately imported listings, especially the auction listings from eBay, do require that extra work to get them presentable for bonanza. I no longer import listings from eBay as it is just as much work to clean up the imported listing descriptions as it is to work a listing from scratch.

answered almost 8 years ago

1 Comment

Susansweaters_Sewing says: August 15, 2016

Interesting to read this as I had thought about importing my ebay listings.

Agree with mrsvandy..not an auction site..and editing to reflect the site they are on, should really be done

As to the Sears thing..you may have to be more specific as to the references, since not really sure what you are referring to….. but may have come in with the import as a trait…importing always brings weird stuff with listings…

answered almost 8 years ago

Reputation: 12648
See ccmom's booth

I have noticed this on several of our listings over the past several years. Since we have no connection to eBay at all, and never have, it is not necessarily eBay related. I think I inquired about this a couple of years ago and got no reply but it is such a rare occurrence I don’t bother with it any more. I saw one the other day that showed JC Penney as related retailer. Probably good to raise the issue with Bonz again for an update on how and why.

answered almost 8 years ago

This has been going on for a few years and has nothing to do with Ebay. It is Bonanza putting these unrelated stores in your listings. If you put a luxury brand like Fendi in Bonanza search, look on the left hand side under the heading related retailers, you’ll see all these stores that don’t carry Fendi, like JC Penny, Abercrombie & Fitch, Macy’s, etc. I have all these low end retailers coming up in my luxury handbags. Bonanza said it was a test a couple of years ago so it’s obviously something they make money from and aren’t changing.

answered almost 8 years ago

Reputation: 48
See belmodo's booth

1 Comment

BAHAMA_ISLANDWEAR says: August 20, 2016

I JUST sent this exact issue to Bonanza today. I’m just starting my store, (had a booth for a while) had enough of ebay. I noticed these additional retail stores Macy’s and BB&B in my llistings for Brand new Tommy Bahama shirts. Thanks for redirecting my potential sales! And BB&B? don’t think so.

Good morning, you have to edit each item as you go. Personally I wouldn’t want anyone but me changing my listings.

Belmodo, you can change that “If you put a luxury brand like Fendi in Bonanza search, look on the left hand side under the heading related retailers, you’ll see all these stores that don’t carry Fendi, like JC Penny, Abercrombie & Fitch, Macy’s, etc. I have all these low end retailers coming up in my luxury handbags.”

You can turn this off in your settings, I stumbled on this little feature yesterday and disabled it. Go to your “Account Dashboard”, not “Selling Dashboard”, click on “Buyer Settings”

Hope this helps.

answered almost 8 years ago

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Asked: almost 8 years ago

Latest response: almost 8 years ago

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