5 days and still not activated my account

24 hours it reports to say it will take to activate my account, 5 days later and contacted you twice with no response and you want us to pay extra for good service this is not looking good.

asked over 8 years ago

4 Answers

This is an official Bonanza response.

Apologies for the delay @electronics2015. Our support team is getting lots of love from shoppers and sellers right now and are doing our best to get to all requests in a reasonable time. Sellers who list really expensive items in categories we identify as risky will require manual approval. We appreciate your patience as we do our best to make sure Bonanza remains a safe place to shop.

PS, it is really helps to speed things up if you send only one request per incident to support. We are usually pretty good about identifying duplicate requests and merging them but that takes time away from original requests too. Thank you for your help with this and your patience.

Kind regards,
The Bonanza Team

answered over 8 years ago

Your booth is active, but I’m not seeing any items in it. Are you sure that you have updated the booth (from the Add/Edit Items page? Your items may be in a “Ready for Sale” status waiting for you to throw the final switch to turn them into “For Sale” items. This is usually done from the Add/Edit Items page. It can also be done from the Batch Edit Items page.

answered over 8 years ago

Reputation: 8637
See tomwayne1's booth

As tom says your booth is active

Go to Add/Edit items and see if your items need any extra editing (whether they have the pale green dot (ready for sale…or reserved, but not active or the yellow dot (missing fields)

If pale green then click on the button in the upper corner that say Activate Booth…or Update Booth it will say one or the other depending on where you are in the process

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answered over 8 years ago

Was activated so I edited some of my items as they were the wrong price and now this shows up,, So every time I edit a item account needs activating again this is getting silly.

Warning message
This is an item preview only. Nobody can see it but you. Return to booth edit page to save it.

Lookin’ Good!
The Bonanza elves will activate your account within 24 hours. In the meantime, feel free to keep adding items and getting your booth ready to launch once it’s been approved.

answered over 8 years ago

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Asked: over 8 years ago

Latest response: over 8 years ago

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