Approving an order

Sometimes I get an email saying I have to approve an order based on my settings. Then I can approve, or cancel through an email.
I have NO settings anywhere saying I have to approve anything. I don’t approve through the link in the email because the shipping cost is never added in. This last one said 14.84 item, 4.45 shipping total 14.84, so I don’t want to approve and they don’t pay the shipping. There is no explanation. Does anyone know what this means?

asked almost 6 years ago

3 Answers

I get an email saying I have to approve an order based on my settings. Then I can approve, or cancel through an email.

Essentially this means that a buyer is from a location (ie means international) that you do not have shipping set up for….and wants to purchase the item….Check the buyer’s location on the invoices…

In those cases, bonz sends you an OBO so that you can contact the buyer for more information and to add the international shipping costs if you want to go through with the sale or to deny the purchase.

Also, these offers sometimes are sent along to the seller because the buyer entered an incorrect zip code..not intentionally and the system cannot determine the correct shipping…(and since you have calc shipping for your items..this might happen on occasion)

Again these are sent to the seller so that they can contact the buyer, if they so choose, to try and ‘save’ the sale…Again..check the invoice for anything that may not have been entered correctly

It does not matter that you do not have OBO set up for your listings or any other settings in theses cases as they are outside the normal process…

answered almost 6 years ago

Reputation: 12648
See ccmom's booth

“I have NO settings anywhere saying I have to approve anything.”

Please, check here[phone number removed]/edit?tab=seller (scroll down to the Invoice settings) to make sure that the When I approve an order, send the buyer their invoice automatically (don’t prompt me to review the invoice) option is NOT marked.

answered almost 6 years ago

1 Comment

CindyBear says: July 13, 2018

if that was marked then ALL of the orders would come with the having to have them approved..and they do not come as OBO

Hello Dear

Did you received my request?

Waiting to hear from you soon

e-mail. [email protected]

answered almost 6 years ago

Reputation: 708
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Viewed: 1043 times

Asked: almost 6 years ago

Latest response: almost 6 years ago

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